Saturday, January 12, 2013

Internet Searching Weirdness

Prompted by...
and others,
I searched "sandy hook school support fund newton united way", to see what results I'd find.  On page seventeen, I found
"Dec 6, 2012 – The tragedy at Sandy Hook has deeply affected most of us. ... United Way: The Sandy Hook School Support Fund has been initiated by the United Way of Connecticut to help with ... Labels: get offline, newton, sandy hook ..."

That's a week before the tragedy occured!  I clicked on the link.  The article says, December 21, 2012.  Hmm.  Everything I upload gets the right date in the searches.

I continued.  On page twenty-four, I got this gem...

"Sandy Hook School Support Fund

United Way of Demo
Oct 3, 2012 – Sandy Hook School Support Fund. Our thoughts are with the families of Newton and Sandy Hook. Click here to contribute online to the Sandy ..."

October? Surely they must have had another reason for support. I clicked on the article. Yep. You can donate, alright. Something fishy is going on here.

I do want to add that I have spoken with a woman who grew up with one of the alleged victim's mother.  It seems to her that it is true that the little girl's family believe she is dead, but the woman didn't know if the parents had identified the body, or been dissuaded from that.

If nothing else, what we get from this event is to be far more vigilant when hearing about the next one.  Immediately search things about it, including fund raisers, before it gets to fifty-seven search pages.  Post the information on your Facebook pages, blogsites, and websites if you find anything suspect.

Here is another link that shows the extent the psychopaths are going these days.

This one is interesting...

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