Sunday, August 14, 2022

It’s a Frequency Thing

A frequency thing on 3D Earth in 2022 is represented by the following three men who are actually only in two groups: those who comply, support tyranny and are under the control of the Puppeteers, and those who stand in alignment with the Sound of Self, Truth and Source.

A young man doesn’t want to lose his job, so has the toxine (injected biowarfare known as a vaccine). "Do as you're told. Do not complain. Comply. Don’t buck the system. Play it safe. Don’t lose that job." He doesn’t know that once upon a time, many people knew how to stand on their own two feet without a job, but he thinks it best to do what a boss asks, even if he or she is stepping over a line. This is a frequency thing where this Genetic-human just became a successive human, the new model of human that has artificial intelligence and the imposter ray injected into his system. This new kind of human is inherently controlled by the Puppeteers beyond how they controlled their Genetic-human model.

A young man doesn’t want to lose his job, nor does he want the toxine, so he stands in integrity, claiming body autonomy, self-determination, and that he’s not abrogating any Rights. He hands in a vaccine affidavit and three other exhibits. He can decide for himself, having no need to be parented. He doesn’t simply do as he’s told. He articulates his stance, not complaining about anything. He certainly doesn’t comply with tyranny and those that wish to destroy mankind. He does buck the system, because it had no Right to be there. It’s de facto. It’s under the impression that mankind is to be parented. He says, “No!” He’s playing it safe because to be without a job, to be forced into creativity to succeed, to get out of a harmful, crippling system is invigorating no matter how scary the new may seem, and one needs no defense when aligned with Truth and Source. It’s a frequency thing. He’s the light-bearer human. He’s vibrating above his genetics (implants) and control of the Puppeteers. The light-bearer human is the model where one stands in alignment with the Sound of Self. It’s as if he’s in Omniverse kindergarten and is ready and eager to learn how to operate this new body.

A young man doesn’t want to lose his job, nor does he want the toxine. He manages to get a fake toxine card and it’s accepted. "Do as you're told. Do not complain. Comply. Don’t buck the system. Play it safe. Don’t lose that job." He doesn’t know that once upon a time, many people knew how to stand on their own two feet without a job, but he doesn’t know how. He can’t lose his job. This is a frequency thing and this is a Genetic-human, a rare thing in deed as it’s the human model presently being phased out. He's pretending to have had the $hot. He’s feeding the fire against mankind as he has complied. Sure, his body lacks the artificial intelligence and imposter ray at the moment, but when a more open attack on mankind occurs—because humans didn’t stop it sooner—which way will he finally go?

It’s a frequency thing that we are breaking into two kinds of humans right now. I rarely find Genetic-humans anymore, whereas in 2020, they dominated 3D Earth. Recall that the Puppeteers took the human to become a pig to see some of their handy work. Shocked? What percentage is a pig genetically like a human? Can a pig’s heart replace a human’s heart? Well, welcome to their games. With them, it’s a fear and control thing…for us, mankind, it’s a frequency thing.

The pig can’t undo the manipulation to become human again. Successive humans can, but it’ll require assistance from higher levels than the physical. They couldn’t hear us from the physical. It’ll be more challenging for them hear us and to undo the tweaking now from higher levels. It can be accomplished; though, because it’s a frequency thing.

Now, go. Make your choices. It’s a frequency thing. Hwa!


For more information on these three types of humans, the Puppeteers, and interdimensional disturbances on humanity, please see my book.

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