Sunday, October 21, 2018

Steps to Take If You Vaccinate

If you allow your children, pets, and yourself to be vaccinated…legislation seemingly forcing you to or not…here are some steps that will support you for when you need it:

1      1) Take pictures of the person to be vaccinated, having them looking straight into the camera.  This will document their starting point for that date and time.  Animals will be taken as best you can, but also add checking their teeth for strength.  Perhaps the person or pet has already been vaccinated and are already experiencing “blood-sludge” symptoms, as Andrew Moulden calls it, but you are still establishing a starting point.  Chances are, you have not researched vaccines or injury much (since you are to vaccinate) and do not understand what you are documenting but do it anyway.

2      2) Take a video of the child, pet, or yourself accomplishing some awesome task that that one is known for.  For example, the ten-month-old may be using chairs and walls to walk towards the bathroom.  Once arriving there, may scoot over to the toilet, use the toilet to stand, hit their hand on the lid for it to be opened, signaling they wish to go to the bathroom.  An older person may be doing gymnastics, motor-crossing, or some other sport.  An animal may be singing to the guitar, playing a game, etc.  Document the health, dexterity, and verbal skills of the one to be vaccinated.

3      3) Document every detail you can recall about that one to be vaccinated.  Perhaps they have already been vaccinated a lot; perhaps they have had none.  Either way, document if they have frequent colds, asthma, eczema, ear infections, a hard or easy time with any milestones, etc.  Keep doctor and dentist’s records of the one to be vaccinated in your home, including asking for the doctor’s notes, which will not be given unless you request them.

4      4) Look at the pupil of the person’s eye with a pin-light, having someone making the room darker and then lighter.  Document that the pupil grew big and became small.  If it is possible, do something similar with a pet, but in lieu of this, note their skin moisture or dryness.

After a vaccine injury, the doctor will inform you that sometimes these things just happen.  Some kids just get lazy eye.  Some one-year-old dogs and cats simply lose their teeth.  Some adults would have had an undiagnosed autoimmune problem that just happened to rear its ugly head now.  Numbers one to four will help you to remember how things used to be prior to this round of vaccines.  They also help you when proving vaccine injury.  Most importantly, they will help you to see the ability (or lack of ability) of the body of the one vaccinated in taking care of toxins.  Number four helps you to recognize brain hemorrhaging when the pupil does not react, and that you need to get to the emergency room immediately.

For that first week after receiving vaccines, take pictures every day of the person looking into the camera or checking the pet as best you can.  After the first week, take a picture at least once a week.  With people, you are documenting if the eyes or mouth show differences.  With animals, you are documenting possible brain dysfunction or gut problems manifesting in skin or teeth problems in any way you might notice.  A mini-stroke that comes from blood-sludge that comes from vaccines may occur, according to Andrew Moulden.  The vaccinated cannot keep both eyes looking straight ahead when a mini-stroke has injured cranial nerves 3, 4, or 6.  The mouth will slightly to dramatically droop on the left or right when the fifth cranial nerve has been involved.  Teachers may have noticed that their students have one so-called lazy eye at the beginning of the school year only to have it become centered by the end of the school year.  Those children’s bodies were able to recover.  The vaccinated who continually have a so-called lazy eye or drooping mouth were unable to recover.  You may notice now that the vaccinated have allergies or some other health problem.  Keep documenting, especially if you are setting out to prove that vaccines promote health and it only appears these problems are coinciding with the shots.  No matter what your reasons, if you vaccinate, keep documenting.  You may notice how the so-called lazy eye only happens right after vaccines.
5      5) Only have one shot at a time, careful to document the lot number of the vaccine(s) given.  Note that the MMR and TDaP are two examples of one shot but three vaccines.

Having one shot at a time may give the vaccinated body a slight chance to recover from the toxic assault, but more than that, you will be able to see which shot caused which problem.

6      6) Keep researching vaccines.  Double-check the names of those who push vaccines against CDC employment or pharmaceutical employment.  You may be reluctant, but the loved one is worth it.  You need the full picture.  Ask your doctors to show you the studies and proof they have that the current vaccination schedules for children’s age-groups, adults, pregnant adults, and cats and dogs’are safe and effective.  For humans, ask for the research that shows that the Hepatitis B vaccine of 2017 has been proven safe when given with other vaccines.  For all vaccines, ask for the proof that they won’t cause cancer or infertility.  Ask them to show you studies on any vaccine’s efficacy, including to prove what the placebo group received, especially if they received another vaccine during the so-called tests.  Ask them to show you the details of vaccine trials, proving that the dose your child, your pet, or you are to receive was used on the study group.  Ask for the proof that documents how long the trials were done: four days, forty years, etc., and the long-term results of those subjects involved.  Ask yourself if this information is satisfactory.  Ask the doctor what percentage of each age group within their practice has to be vaccinated in order for him or her to receive a bonus at the end of the year.  Ask for the proof that the risk of the threatening infection is sufficient enough to warrant trying to prevent it with vaccines.  Ask for proof that some of these infections don’t actually prime the immune system.

7      7) Research the infections themselves along with how other health systems treat them.  Traditional Chinese Medicine, German Auricular Medicine, Acutonics, Esoteric Acupuncture, Aroma-Acu Treatments, essential oils, homeopathy, Dr. Dale’s homeopathy and herbs, IV Vitamin C, CBD oil, Dr. Hal Holden’s protocols, juicing etc.  Take your questions about how to maintain health to ND’s, acupuncturists, and chiropractors, to name a few.  Learn about pesticides, irradiated foods, Genetically Modified Foods, and clean water.  Learn about electromagnetic assaults to our systems and how you can protect yourself and your family.   The more confident you can become in believing in non-toxic healing modalities, the easier it will be to not have certain vaccines until you arrive at the point of refusing all.

8      8) Research how to not be seen as “steerage,” or “dead.”  You can stand outside forced legislation if you know how to stand outside of their psychopathic system.  If you stay within the system, then find a Medical doctor who will write you a Medical exemption.  Please research legislation for cats and dogs in your state.  California’s doctors are notorious for making pet owners think their pets have to be vaccinated.  In California, presently, only dogs receiving the rabies shot is required. 

If you allow your children, pets, and yourself to be vaccinated…legislation seemingly forcing you to or not…these eight steps will support you in learning the reality behind vaccines.  They will also furnish you with documentation should you end up in vaccine court.

What does your doctor say:

About the untested Hep B vaccine:

About a bonus:

Amendment: Document when you have a shot publicly and then reactions you have.  Tuesday, you may say, "I had the flu shot."  Friday, you may say, "I'm sick."  A month later, you may say, "Diagnosed with such and such."  It's another time date stamped documentation.   But people also can see how many friends are actually experiencing adverse reactions.