Monday, February 15, 2016

Response to “Study of 95,000 Children Finds No Link Between MMR vaccines and Autism” of February 15, 2016

Image result for a picture of a troll
You can always spot trolls at work.  The article, “Study of 95,000 Children Finds No Link Between MMR Vaccines and Autism” reads like someone with shen disturbance (muddled thinking) trying to write manipulating ideas in a convincing way.  The study is first mentioned vaguely.  At least we are given the name Anjali Jain from US Health Policy Analysis, The Lewin Group as a reference to check out for ourselves.  The 2016 article says that Jain was interested in looking at high risk children which Jain has decided are children with a family history of Autism, specifically, older siblings.  The author of this article states it again, near the beginning, that the children whose records Jain reviewed were at high risk from having a sibling with autism.  Jain was interested in looking at the rate of exposure to the MMR vaccine and the younger sibling’s Autism or lack of it, as this article reports. 

Time was spent off subject boasting about “soon-to-be-abolished” vaccine exemptions in Australia and rates of measles and whooping cough statistics.  (They do not mention that the measles vaccine sheds and causes Atypical Measles, which is more dangerous than measles, nor do they mention that the whooping cough vaccine causes whooping cough in people due to the vaccinated person holding the disease in their throats, ready to spread easily.)  Finally, the author gets back on track.  The author is “administration.”  Administration says that of the 486 parents of Autistic kids, twenty percent of them decided not to vaccinate their younger children.  (They need to be clear if these are 486 different families or if some are two parents of one child, just so we can visualize the twenty percent accurately.)  Next, Administration goes off on another tangent to a vague study in Canada, looking at younger unvaccinated siblings of Autistic children.  Finally!!!!  What Administration calls a study of 95,000 children is “an extensive private health insurance database of 95,727 children born in the US” between 2001 and 2007 with one sibling “who was between 6 months and 17 years older.”  Wow, that’s a lot of children with autistic siblings!  Also, that’s a lot of medical information that was placed in a data base when doctors were still using paper files.  Does that mean the doctors were scanning and filing information prior to simply uploading it as they spoke to their patients?  The reason I ask is because I requested my daughter’s records from her doctor.  It’s a very thin file, yet I had to actually go in there and prove that there were more records than what I had received.  Back before information was directly typed in, were all records truly uploaded? 

So, the study was comparing Autistic siblings and “the rate of exposure to the MMR vaccination.”  There’s no mention if kids with amalgam fillings were taken out of the study in order to take out that kind of mercury-induced neurological activity.  (I saw a 3-year-old special education kid with mercury in her mouth last June.  Yes, some criminals still practice dentistry this way.)  At one point, Administration says that there is a link between siblings with Autism and a lowered vaccination rate, yet they do not specify if the MMR shot was given or not.   (Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, says that the link between Autism and vaccines that the CDC studied and proved was with the MMR shot specifically.) 

Administration gets down right confusing when they say that out of these 95, 727 children, 1,929 had an older sibling with Autism.”  I thought all siblings had to have Autism and to be older! Administration says that 1.04% of the siblings had Autism as a diagnosis in the follow-up, but Administration does not clarify what “follow-up” means.  They are simply looking at records.  By the way, near the end of that paragraph, they are giving percentages of kids with Autism, but they definitely are now stating that some older siblings either have or don’t have Autism in complete contrast to the opening statement about this so-called study.  They finally give the percentages about the MMR vaccination in siblings without Autism.  Thompson and the CDC found that the MMR shot really is more likely to cause Autism when given when young.  Here, 84% of kids with older siblings without Autism and 73% of kids of siblings with Autism did not have Autism with the MMR given at 2-years-old.  No races were listed and the CDC specifically said that black boys were more susceptible.  For children receiving the MMR shot at 5, the rate of no Autism was 92% and 86%.  Again, no races were mentioned.  In 1999, 2001, and 2004, the MMR was recommended between 12 and 15 and 4 to 6 years old.  But, by 2006, the 12 to 15 months was the same, but the second administration was changed to include 11 to 18 year olds.  Perhaps this is why Jain’s “study” only looked until 2007, since 2-year-olds in the “study” would have been born in 2005.  Even some of the kids who had it twice, might not have had their second shot, yet.  Administration talks about the current guidelines, but the vaccine schedule has changed many times since 2007.

According to Administration, this study is also not studying uninsured, clinic users…namely the poorer aspects of our society, yet they say their findings are consistent with other studies.  The CDC and Wakefield are two endeavors that disagree with the idea that Autism and MMR have no link and

Administration didn’t state if the children actually did receive the MMR vaccine twice or not.  They simply looked at kids at 2 and at 5.  Again, they didn’t say all absolutely received the MMR twice.  They did say that this test looked at Autism and the “lowered rate of vaccination” while saying that they are looking at the MMR!  That is vague enough to mean that some of these kids only had the MMR shot once.  They assume the 2-year-olds had the MMR once and that by 5, they have had the MMR twice, because “parents are currently advised to vaccinate children twice for MMR between birth and the age of five.”  Administration is trying to drive home that Autism must be a genetic thing since Autism rates increase within one family and “they were under-vaccinated.”  Again, at least Administrations interpretation of the study, “under” is never defined.

Administration goes off the results and proofs associated with this study again to discuss a 2004, a 2011, and a few papers examinations of a lack of a link between Autism and the MMR shot.  Administration is downright crazy saying that mercury is safe and shows their true colors, that Administration is indeed a troll, when they say that it’s “not the evidence anti-vaccers are looking for.”  The word anti-vaxxers is used by trolls.  They are into name calling.  Many of those parents who trolls call “anti-vaxxers” are actually parents of vaccine injured kids, so it’s strange for trolls to get on their high-horse to people who once believed in the product trolls are peddling.

This is a study .  It uses live people and compensates them.

Everything I just wrote was a reaction to the article with the provided link here  It is very different from the actual study of April 2015.  You won’t believe how many differences there are.  Check it out.  So why did Administration feel lying or misrepresentation was necessary?

At any rate, Autism and the MMR has been studied by the CDC themselves.  In 2015, Jain knew what the CDC had done,,,, and uploaded in 2008 when Julie, the official, knew the truth about the MMR and Autism link

No matter what the details were regarding the true study conducted in 2015, a troll reported on it in 2016. They will continue to sell vaccines as safe and effective until Agenda 21 has us locked up in controlled districts. 







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