Explanation of Auricular Acupuncture
Auricular Medicine is diagnosis and treatment of the body through the ear. The ear, like the foot, eye, teeth, and brain, to name a few, holds a representation of the whole body on it. Active Points show up when there is an imbalanced area within the body. There are several ways the practitioner can be alerted to these Active Points: a special pulse taking technique, visual cues, the appearance of tenderness, and through changes in electrical conductivity. Not only does an imbalance show up such as a thyroid problem, but detail such as whether it is hypo or hyperthyroidism, for instance, appears! This information supports the practitioner in formulating a plan of how to treat the imbalance, right down to whether gold or silver needles should be chosen for the treatment. Body acupuncture has to travel further to get to the brain in order to change messages of pathology to messages of balance and health. Auricular Medicine works instantaneously. It is a trusted first step for ailments before implementing harsh treatments. For example, when hormone replacement therapy is required, whether for estrogen, thyroid, or insulin, it is best to access the ear/brain connection first before HRT, which may be costly to health as well as to the pocketbook! Latent emotional issues, hidden toxic areas, and tightness created from overcompensating when injured can all be targeted. Patients do not have to disrobe and in fact do not even have to be verbal or speak the same language as the practitioner. The ear speaks for the body.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
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