Saturday, August 29, 2020

Standing in Self

Do you realize that you don’t have to protest against the “lockdown” and mask-wearing?  All you have to do is not comply.

Rules remind me of long ago when my little one was to come into this 3D experience.  My insurance company, that consistently has not been helpful to me even with PPO, informed me that they wouldn’t cover a home water birth.  I did it anyway.  Later, I found they had lied to me and I got the money from them.  What would have happened if I had let being poor interfere with the birth that I had wanted?  As for rules, what would have happened if I had allowed all the tests that the state told my midwives they were to give to me?  I had informed them before I was “with child” that whatever they wanted to do to me, they had to do it now, before my child came to me.

I had to inform my midwives from the start that I can sign whatever they want me to by way of opting out of required tests and such, but that I was refusing all unless they can show just cause as to why I should consent.  Further, I informed them that they may document my weight, but that they are to never mention it to me.  (Three years later, I looked at my records.  What a fright!  I certainly didn’t need my baby being subjected to those emotions.)  Also, I informed them that though in California at that time it was illegal to birth twins into water (whereas in Florida it was legal), I was having my baby or babies at home in water.  If I had to, I would play the part of an ignorant first-time mother.  “I didn’t know.  I got into the water to feel better.  I thought the birth was way off.”  At that time, I was not wanting to register the birth beyond a family Bible anyway.  So, I was already of a mind that entities outside myself had no right to presume to know me or my child and demand I do things their way as some king might.

I am standing in Self.

No-one outside myself knows what I know about me.  Even if those politicians had medical degrees, all that would mean is that they are slaves to Big Pharma and commercial scientists.  I am not on that path.  I know their Agenda.  It’s been in plain sight for centuries.  I do not comply.  I have been researching them and their modalities of attack since the 1980’s.  Even without internet, I found another reason for Jack’s, Robert’s, and Marilyn’s murders and I even found Marilyn’s maid and spoke to her on the phone.  (Reasons for their murders figures into the Agenda, to things they’re not telling you that the three wanted you to know, and to Plandemic 2020/Coronafraudus.)  I feel educated enough to know why I do things.  Sure, sometimes I react from unresolved trauma, but mostly, I have intention behind my actions.  I don’t need artificial intelligence dictating to me how to be human!

My child contracted with me (before conception) to protect her.  I would give birth to her at home in water, with no masked personal in the room, with my naked hands being her first contact with the outside world, with no strong lights in the room, with her grandmother and father there, so he could cut her cord when she was ready.  There would be no ointment shoved in her eyes.  Afterall, her mother didn’t have an STD, so that could not be forced.  No Vitamin K shot would be allowed, because it’s a synthetic, a pharmaceutical made to sound nice.  (As a side note, it wasn’t until 2020 with the commercialized scientists and doctors going back and forth with what they told the public as a comparison to the research I found on the Vitamin K shot back then.  Information to the masses was completely contradictory!)  Just in case I was to have a multiple birth experience, I made it clear that it was still going to be in water unless they could convince me otherwise related to the baby or to me personally.           

Now, here we are in 2020 when entities in power presume they can tell healthy people to do strange things in order to protect the whole.  They are liars!  They are psychopaths.  Why would I listen to something (you might say someone) that’s going to have a ton of karma coming back on it?  I follow Natural Law.  If I don’t like it done to me, I guarantee, I will not do it to you.  I see those I have trouble with as a three-year-old child who has lost his mother, if compassion doesn’t come easily, but, if this entity is in power, I am certainly not going to do as it asks me without examining every inch of it myself first.

           2) mask-wearing 
           3) physically distancing yourself from humans 
           4) locking yourself in your home as if you were a prisoner  

These ideas, so-called "guidelines," are programs of initiation and have not been proven safe, effective, or necessary for humans.  

With vaccines, entities outside yourself may inject whatever filth they desire into your bloodstream.  If they are so valuable, how has anyone who never received a single vaccine survived?  For example, if what you were told about measles is true, how come my child, who never was vaccinated, never succumbed to measles?  She was at college during the recent propaganda on measles and was fine.  (That measles scam, by the way, was to prime you for this event.  For one thing, that event showed them that the masses were ready for this phase.)  Ask your doctor, if you’re brave enough to participate in Western Medicine, to show you even one study (seen all the way through) of a saline solution placebo-receiving control group going against one vaccine at a time.  The MMR II, for example, went against the MMR.

If you could turn off the TV and do some research, you’d find that even mask-wearing tested on surgeons and nurses showed no measurable reason for them to wear them, yet alone a healthy population.  Even if legislation existed, no entity outside yourself has the right to demand that you do harm to yourself.  Denying yourself oxygen does you harm.  I see it time again with masked drivers being unable to think clearly.  (By the way, if humans can’t drive right, then AI will be brought in to drive for you!  This is giving them fuel to bring on only self-driving cars.)  Masks are abusive against humans who need to see facial expressions.

Prisoners are required to keep certain distances from each other at times.  Prisoners are locked down.  There is no evidence that asking you to distance yourself from others and locking yourself in your home is anything but an abusive experiment.  For you to comply without any proof that healthy humans should do so is not standing in Self.

So, start now.  Start researching.  When I go get gas for my car or shop or go to a park or anything, I know I am adding to the health of another through the swapping of the microbiome, if anything.  I am bringing you no harm.  I am not an enemy.  If people have been programmed to fear the air all I can do is agree.  “Yea, I know.  That lousy government allows Fukushima to spew radiation, which isn’t good for us.  And what about that constant Wi-Fi solidifying our pineal glands?  Not to mention the cell towers destroying the sperm of human males and murdering the bees and we can only survive four years after that last bee.  Oh, but that’s ok.  China worked on a fake bee, so maybe we’ll be fine.  And what about the geoengineering?  Those nanobots that we breath into our lungs, cough up and swallow?  Oh man!  Those are pretty nasty.  Nanobots, aluminum, barium, and especially mercury that we inhale will help their fifth generation weapon zero in on individuals better for a more personal attack.  But, unfortunately your mask, and in fact mine if I had one, will not protect you from what the government has done to our air.  The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704, by the way, legislated that they can harm our health for communications requirements.  If they legislate that they can harm us, are you required to wear that mask for your health?  Hmm.  I wonder.”  I end it with a smile.  And no, those who are not standing in Self don't get it. 

It's foolish to trust anything from Big Pharma, whether it is a test, a drug, or a vaccine, because you don’t know who or what it is you’re trusting with your life.  If you’ve received vaccines since 1983, you may already have a certain ingredient inside you that if you knew about, would wish you didn’t.  (I say 1983, because that’s when they openly started using GMO’s and you have to wonder what they weren’t openly doing, but doing just the same.)  We’ve seen friends, family members, and movie stars suddenly “come down with” something.  Had they received a vaccine or a drug prior?  I haven’t been vaccinated since the 1970’s in Victoria, Australia, yet I had to have a friend assist me in clearing me of an interdimensional invader that was purposely placed in one of the vaccines.  He couldn’t remember if he’d seen it in the polio vaccine or the small pox vaccine, but the invader was prevalent in people with one of those shots.  For the record, I had DTP, so that’s 3 in one shot, small pox, and polio.  I have been detoxing them for my whole life it seems.  They are weapons of the worst kind because they undermine your health and thinking abilities.  They can kill.  More than that, what is inside you can be used in conjunction with other modalities for control of you.

The Agents within the movie "The Matrix" represent the control that can “jump in” average citizens who aren’t standing in Self.  For humans, they may be minding their own business until they are switched on.  Perhaps a riot is intended so they need a mind-controlled subject to pull off some action.  Then, they use the media to get the masses all worked up.  It’s getting easier and easier for them to control.  They use subliminals in shows.  I suspect this is why the "I Love Lucy Show" has been running non-stop for a half a century.   They have devices within your TV’s.  They use the SMART (Secret Military Armament Residential Technology) meter on your house.  They can turn on and off the 5G antenna near your home or workplace, alongside the 60 gigahertz chips being installed.

It doesn’t matter how long I’ve known you, nor whether we are related or not, if I see you in a mask, then I know the Matrix has you and you could be as one infected with an Agent.  I am prepared to be a worthy opponent.  Why?  Because I know Self.

So, go.  Anchor the Light.  Stand in Self.  Hwa!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Thoughts on the Demise of Humanity

Are humans worth saving? Well, I don't know. I know the Earth is worth saving though. There's a lot of life-forms here who I feel are far more superior to humans because they don't go and destroy their habitat the way that we have.

Anyway, I was sitting here contemplating the average human. The average human goes and gets injected with a vaccine which is engineered viruses and yet fears the natural viruses that come when that person's cells are trying to rebalance themselves. So humans just seem really odd to me. There's a natural thing happening that saves their life every single day and they have absolutely no respect for it and they allow TV to convince them that it's wrong and bad and harmful.

Further, these humans trust commercialized scientists who work for governments and pharmaceutical companies that have an agenda and they believe that germ theory is true because somebody told them it is.

They could simply read old books and see how smart we once were.

Oh well.  Are humans worth it, or supporting their demise?

Coronafraudus is Human DNA

We are the virus!!!

What a great find!  Thank-you Max Igan!

Coronafraudus:  AI using your chromosome 8 as saying you have the Virus!!!  If you are intelligent or if you have protection to cancer, that’s your chromosome 8!  They are coming for you!

Love this lady when she says, Go back to the soil!”  She obviously understands Bechamp and microzymas.

Of course, babies will be target.  A future of dummies.

Support Crowhouse:

Friday, August 14, 2020

They Told Us!

[Solvent Green was a Charlton Heston movie where the story took place in 2022.  The-criminals-that-believe-they-be are informing you that if they have their way, by 2022, humans will be reduced to eating humans.

Funnily enough, the same puppet, Heston, was used in Omega Man, too.  (The remake was with another puppet, Will Smith.  Both would also have some power, but would have a handler, as well.)  The plot of Omega Man centers around a population that trusted and accepted something that then changed them.  (For us, it would be the vaccine.)

This brilliant covid meme has gotten the masses to fear everything to the extent that they will welcome the social credit system, being locked away, kept from humans, AI taking over teaching, AI prison planet and all that implies.

You are being manipulated through your Astral body. (If you're not, then you are standing strong in Self.) There is so much to say on this.
Perhaps we need to start with what the rulers of this world think of you.  Maybe that would support you in bringing them down from the pillar you’ve placed them on.  You are an irritating slave.  Humans always have been.

In the US, they wanted to people the lands in order to bring in their control far and wide.  Missionaries were led to believe they were doing a good thing and coaxed to go West.  “Free” land was offered to convince others.  Propaganda was printed in the newspapers to stir up trouble between those who “deserved” the free land and those who were there already. 

So, now that you’ve exhausted your use of peopling lands, what do they want you for?  These have been going on a very long time and are still required, though there are more of us than they need.  They want some of you for hard labor, to build underground laboratories, bunkers, etc.  They can figure on many “natural” occurrences and many they even make happen, but sink holes are not something they like, nor can they stop them.  There’s always need for strong slaves to do that which they don’t want to.  (Even pretty, dainty, young male or female slaves for inside the home.)

Then there’s sex slaves.  All ages and all sexes are wanted.

Baby-makers are needed for their satanic rituals.  (This is why abortion was legalized: less red tape around many murders.)  More than this, babies are a delicacy for some “higher ups.”  I have heard for years that they get canned and given to certain parties.  When they come for the mass kill, they will want really young ones for food.  I can only assume they would kill these with EMF weapons, not a brain parasite that they may have in store for older, useless sorts.

But fine.  Get distracted with an election (that is nothing of the sort as they know which puppet they ultimately want in).  Get distracted about the USPS.  Get distracted over “the covid.”  Get distracted over the police (when robots are to come in anyway.)  While you cower in your home behind your mask (in desperation of a Heart/Kidney treatment), the AI prison planet is being installed.

Are you going to fear a "virus" in the air, or protect your young? We could have used your help in stopping it, but, what evs…as the kids say.]

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Not Tired

[I am not tired.  I'm just amazed at where humanity has placed their trust.

You guys know that the government can experiment on you legally as long as they have one person who isn't affiliated with the experiment. 

You know that the government said in the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 that where communications are involved, health cannot be a concern. They don't test vaccines for safety, effectiveness, or to see that they're necessary and the company that makes vaccines cannot be held liable, yet you line your children, your pets, and yourselves up to receive vaccines.

In spite of their legislation, you know that I took them on and I won. One cell tower did not get built in Harbor City because of one human standing up to the 1% and company. So you know that it can be done. You know you don't just have to comply. Where are you going to draw your line in the sand?

The 1% and company who you trust so deeply... well I guess I'm really impressed with their programming. We really do have a worthy opponent. They're more intelligent than us. 

But, I'm not tired. 

They haven't made Earth an artificial intelligence prison planet in spite of the huge support from humans. I still intend to stop them. There's about 3% of us and that's all we need. It just would have been nice if we had had more people who were aware of what's going on.

It would have been nice if we had more humans who are willing to draw a line in the sand and say "Enough!"]

Captain America 2011 I believe. The one person and Company always tell you what they're going to do. Do you see the three items that will become prevalent in the year 2020 in this picture? Look at the whole scene to see if hand sanitizer or toilet paper is there.]

[I'm not sure you understand what fearing humans and the very air you breathe is establishing.

The 1% and company are going to bring the social credit system in to being. What that means is that your house could become your prison cell. 

AI will be controlling every opening to your house. AI can control your toilet and your refrigerator and your stove. If you don't get enough social credits because you're not towing the line, it can be so that your stove doesn't work or your fridge doesn't work or your front door will not open or your toilet will not flush or your window will not open.

Are you going to let your fear create a prison out of our planet or are you going to go and get educated on Germ Theory, Terrain Theory, and other people's point of view on what viruses are other than what the commercialized scientists tell you what a virus is so they can scare you?

Some of you haven't even wondered why this is called covid-19 when it's happening in 2020.

ID 2020

[I understand your fear.

With my Western Medicine classes when I was attending acupuncture school, I had many discussions with the nurses and doctors who were my teachers. They had been indoctrinated with Germ Theory and with seeing a virus as a bad guy. They were pro-vaccination and thought I was awful because I did not allow my child to have any vaccines.

Well, it's 21 years later. I guess I feel confident in spite of the BS that the commercialized doctors and scientists are telling you because I have a gazillion healing modalities at my fingertips. But I also have my mind.

I know I raised a daughter. Got her through a four-year college and she's almost 21 years old and she never received one single vaccine and she doesn't even go to a doctor. Everybody thought that you can't survive unless you have pharmaceuticals from Big Pharma. Well, she got through college without a support animal. She got through college without any drugs. And let me tell you, she was surrounded by a lot of kids who are brought up on vaccines and Big Pharma and they were not able to stand in themselves, if you know what I mean. If you are allowing television to separate you from your environment, to make you afraid of what is outside of you, there are modalities that can help you balance that.

I am here. I am not afraid of you.

AI is coming for you.]

[Embedded in this video game, it says right there that this virus is a hoax.
It's not really a hoax. It's the weapon that's being used instead of guns.

Truly, the weapon is what you don't know about a virus.]

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Letter to Premier Daniel Andrews of Victoria Australia

[Dear Mr. Andrews,

As a lawful National of the country of Victoria, having drawn my first breath in Essendon, I am asking you, from outside the District of Columbia, to stop harming the humans of Victoria with this Covid scam.

Please remove the mask-wearing and stay-at-home and distancing ordinances immediately.  It is unfair and inappropriate to bring in the social credit system and other aspects of ID 2020 (and Agenda 21), especially when using fear to do so.

Listen, in the states of the union and the District of Columbia over here across the ocean, long ago, the criminals in charge offered some "Indians" to be police.  They rounded up other "Indians" and got money and were treated well.  Once all the "Indians" were captured and on the train for Pensacola, Florida, the "government" captured the police.  They put those "Indians" on the same train, too!

You are as the Indian police for artificial intelligence. You need to stand with humans... And now! After you have fulfilled your use, they will come for you, too.

Agenda 21 is a stepping stone to making this an AI prison planet.  Now, yes, there are lawful Nationals and more who have Natural Law on their side and will not allow Earth to be taken.

Sir, it's your choice. Are you for humanity, or not?

Okay, so if you say you are, then research Aajonus Vonderplanitz's theory about viruses. It's the truth. And if the masses knew it, they would not be able to be controlled.

Further, research mask-wearing.  You will see it causes harm.

I am appealing to the human in you. I hold in consciousness that you rise above implants and compartmentalization. The world's eyes are on you.

Please, lift the restrictions. Stop the drama. Stop the imprisonment of my family and friends now!

Bright Day Thoughts,


Paget Anne of Essendon
:Paget :Hillebrand©]

[To the reader of this blog, let me explain what I have done here.

I placed the letter within brackets because it takes it off the page.  Now, this may not be true.  All I know is that when I write to the General Post-office from within the Judicial District, I have to place Judicial District in brackets to take it off the page, so I am trying to follow what those who know do because it might be true.  Therefore, what I write really isn't there so they cannot hold it against me.

The District of Columbia has conquered Australia and the States of the Union.  If you can get a copy of The Red Amendment, I recommend it.]

Monday, August 3, 2020

Reflections on Health During a Pandemic

[Why was I healthy when what was supposedly a boogeyman in the air was supposedly killing people?

Seriously. Why was I healthy even if we're not going to focus on how doctors were told that they could write someone had covid-19 even if they just assumed it, and even though doctors were killing people by intubating patients when they shouldn't have been intubated because doctors were seeing someone as having covid-19 before they diagnosed it for sure. Why was I healthy even though hospitals were making money for a covid diagnosis and especially if someone had been intubated... and even while the old people were being killed through being imprisoned and isolated away from everyone?

Well, I didn't wear a mask.

I didn't clean anything beyond how I normally cleaned.

I didn't fear human contact, though I know my health truly needed more than what I was able to find.

My whole life went on to the computer, so I took breaks like walking barefooted in the dirt so the electromagnetic energy could drain out of me.

I traipsed around outside with bare feet and brought that dirt into the house so that bacteria could be in my home until the next appropriate cleaning day... whenever that happened.

Why was I healthy when there was this supposed boogeyman in the air supposedly killing people? Well, I didn't watch the TV news.  I missed out on all the fear and programming.

I was educated. I knew that Germ Theory was a ploy by the commercial scientists in order to help Western Medicine profit.

I was a student of Aajonus Vonderplanitz and Leonard Horowitz so I knew about viruses and engineered viruses.

I had studied about the governments of the world for decades and was well aware of the New World Order, Agenda 21, ID 2020, and the AI prison planet intended for humanity.

I have a safe neighborhood where I can exercise.

I have the knowledge and equipment for chromotherapy, acupuncture, and more if I need it.

I have no respect for Western Medicine and do not rely on it for my health.

I have confidence with what I do trust.

I had the SMART meter removed from the wall of my house. (And wanrned the electric company that I will charge them $200,000 a month from the date that it was installed upon discovery that they had switched out my analog for a SMART device should I ever discover that.)

I stopped a 4G cell tower from being built near my house. They were going to be able to take it to 5G and to 60 gigahertz.

I know about the Red Amendment, the District of Columbia, and the Judicial District.

I'm aware that the rulers of today are no different than when this corporation (country) was being laid out. I know what they do to people who are in their way. You do, too.

I trust people with self-interests to put themselves first and humans last. Therefore, I know not to accept anything they want to offer me... such as a blanket that has been contaminated with smallpox biowarfare.

I didn't have someone telling me that I would be ill so it never entered my consciousness to be I'll.

I rested when I needed to rest.

I am healthy for all the reasons that I'm healthy because I listen to my body. In the past, when I haven't listened to my body, I've gotten sick. I've learned. So you could say that I'm healthy because I've learned.

Is it possible for you to know how to have health without a pharmaceutical?  I'm guessing that the TV would have told you the answer is no. Too bad. You shouldn't listen to them. You should listen to your body.

Still, if you experienced health this whole time the same as me and yet you did every single thing the opposite of what I did, well...that just shows you how diverse we are. Humans are pretty amazing!]

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Stop Being a Victim

Artificial Intelligence has deduced that humans are highly emotional and love to be helpless victims.  No matter how many excellent non-commercialized doctors and scientists try to educate the public on the beauty of the human body, AI will undermine them every step of the way.  The 1% will use certain educational material in schools, writers to put forth accepted truths in TV shows and movies, and puppet doctors and scientists to program the population. 

Lately, there is a push to have the public think that the bad-guy rulers of the world are keeping Hydroxychlroqu*ne from the public and that that’s why we’ve had so many deaths this Plandemic 2020.  In truth, puppet doctors were intubating people who didn’t need intubation, which is deadly.  There was “cov*d-19, a bioengineered v*rus mixed with other bioengineered v*ruses that were injected.  There were a lot of other factors (such as technology), but most of all there really were no high numbers of injured from coronavirus, a common cold or covid-19, the injected material with a vaccine.  And as for people getting sick, they wore masks, kept themselves from fellow humans, and listened to the programming-box daily being hypnotized to get ill.  Add to this the sedentary lifestyle and the EMF-radiation from too much screen-time and you have a recipe for distressed cells within individuals.  Distressed cells leave in their wake viruses as a byproduct from attempting to rebalance the cells.

In response to believing there is a boogeyman virus in the air, doctors are pushing for the general population to take small doses of Hydroxychlroqu*ne roughly once a month as preventative against “the covid.”  The criminals-that-believe-they-be once gave the public the polio vaccine biowarfare on a sugar cube.  What makes you feel safe that these pills aren’t being laced with a vacc*ne?  Have the 1% proven they don’t experiment on or drug the population?  Why would they have changed since the days they laced blankets with smallpox biowarfare and handed them to Natives?  Conceivably, they could have Covid-19 lab-engineered viruses on the testing swab or place it within any injectable or drug, though I suspect they have a pathogen intended for the brain on the swab.  You see, this narrative from the “Frontline Doctors” about taking this drug might be to conquer the portion of the population that hasn’t fallen for all the other attempts at ruining their health.

Propagandists will always hide their program within at least 80% truth so that you will accept it.  If your healthcare practitioner is not reminding you…deprogramming you…teaching you…about the Power of your body, then perhaps they were programmed by B*g Pharma and the 1% and you could go find a freer practitioner.  Does your practitioner support you in relying on them, or communing with your innate Power?  Are you supported in being a victim, or an access-er of Light?

The following is advice on safety from v*ruses.  The following is not for those who love being a victim.  For example, the commercial scientists inform you that sugar is the main cause of diabetes when it’s hard to find a person with diabetes who has never been vaccinated, nor received the synthetic vitamin K shot.  (See the inserts and know that you can’t interfere on so many levels and not expect imbalances such as this.)  If you are the variety that sticks with, “It’s not my fault.  Everything has sugar in it,” perhaps this conversation is not for you.  Though, blame is not the focus, responsibility is, and you do have the ability to choose your own response and to step back and look at how your choices have affected your health.

First and foremost, do not get vacc*nated.  Along with detrimental ingredients, vacc*nes are rife with engineered animal v*ruses, some not even noticed during the intended engineering process. 

Next, how to prevent natural, non-human tweaked v*ruses 101:

Basically, listen to your body.  It will communicate its needs.

If your body doesn’t like to eat past 8PM, don’t.

If your body doesn’t like staying up past 10PM, don’t.

If your body doesn’t like alcohol, don’t drink it.

If your body doesn’t like a sedentary lifestyle, move.

If your body doesn’t like being poisoned with chlorine baths and showers, get a filter.

If your body doesn’t like sitting at the computer for hours on end, move every hour and add walking on uncontaminated earth barefooted for a few minutes to the exercise of choice.

If LED and computer blue light hurt, wear blue light-blocking glasses.

If working on a computer is mandatory, cable the internet, keyboard, and mouse.

If you have a sugar addiction and are not allergic, take a teaspoon of an almond butter and Blackstrap molasses combination instead of a sugary treat.

Instead of watching TV and being on social media, read.

Instead of soda, drink fermented healthy drinks or water.

The 1% attacks us, but we are not helpless to that.  See other work on standing in the Judicial District, EMF protection, getting rid of SMART meters, using a landline, using cash, getting rid of your cell phone, taking iodine, having IV ozone and vitamin C (provided you have the enzyme to process vitamin C.) 

You are Light.  Many of Light are here to support you as you support us when you commune from that Light.  You may be a user of that which is around you.  Or you may remain a consumer and a victim.  

The choice is yours.