Friday, February 10, 2023

The Gift of Geoengineering


With any view, you choose how you see it.

If you never had an attack to transmute, how could you experience the Power of transmutation when it was absolutely imperative? If you were never under attack, how can you know the Power of Mental-Matter, harnessing Qi, and simply working with the Mind of your cells? The simple truth is that the opponent to living Man reflects to Man what can be done through what needs to be done to set something right. Gratitude is also a final piece that makes the journey to your Power complete.

You look up and see Chem-trailing from 5:30 AM until 8 PM. The reaction is anger and fear. You cannot believe humans would participate in this atrocity and are concerned what it is doing to your health and to the lifestreams around you. You shake your fist to the skies, swearing, wishing karma on the pilots, drone controllers, and compilers of the noxious, nefarious ingredients that is intended to rain down, causing harm to all.

How does that reaction serve you?

Oh, I get it. Humans revel in victimhood. The human is emotional...the opponents to humanity take advantage of that.

Living Man has a different response. Would you like to try it? You will experience “leveling up” much like in a video game only this is really happening. You will feel expansive. Perhaps you’ll even like it.

Be grateful that you have been given a substance with which to work. Kind of like having a metal that you may transform to gold. Establish Violet Cubes of Light through what you see. Many violet lights moving in the three directions to establish many small rectangular cubes is what you see the chem trail caught in. See the trail change to happy sparkles of light. Then move this Blessing, this electrified, excited energy up into the atmosphere. See heavy, dark electrons that have been sooted-up by humanity’s’ lust, fear, anger and greed. The Blessings enter them and transmute the soot to the same excited, electrified, happy vibration. Now as sunlight touches these electrons, peace, joy and love is there to greet it. (I feel the opponent to humanity especially dislikes it when I do this, because they rely on the sooted-up electrons for manipulation of Earth phenomena.)

Now, go back to the chem trails. There’s more or you can do the same one again. After you do the Violet Cubes of light and have happy, excitable, high-frequency Blessings, shower them on all below. Ground it into the soil, bacteria of soil, bacteria of humans, birds, plants, living Man, worms, and all lifestreams. If you like, consciously include Nature People (Spirits), Earthbounds, elementals in your blood, Elementals of Nature, and the like.)

Next, see your state as small and you are easily able to take the Violet Cubes of Light from five feet below the lowest point of your state to five feet above the highest point past the chem trails. You can set up smaller cubes by using more lines near the borders of your state. California periodically has a Military/Science/Government/human/non-human group off shore beaming terrible frequencies at us and this is one tool we may use in defense of their activities. (So please realize, you may also do this with the walls, floor and ceiling of your home.)

Notice how light you feel. You may look up and say, “Thank you.”

One day, they will not succeed in their attempts to harm lifestreams through chem trails and will seek another route. Living Man shall be ready to grow in that instance, too.

For now, their intentions do not matter if we don't mind. Hate dissipates in the presence of love. They only have the power you allow.

For more information on attacks, attackers, and what to do about them, please read Interdimensional Disturbances Access Denied.

If you're too close, step back. Don't just react.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Please See & Discern


Many c*vid psy-op era videos will lead you to believe there was a transmissible, contagious, natural virus with careful words they choose such as, “The va((ine didn’t stop the transmissibility of the virus.” The reader gets roped into the drama of how awful it is to have been mislead, getting Astrally tugged into anger and fear, while all the while subconsciously accepting that there ever was a natural virus to start with.

These videos are harmful to your health.

Let’s look at one.

I knew about va((ines as biowarfare by 1987. Information was out there. I knew about other modalities of balancing and healing (and still am learning) and knew that those behind Big Pharma worked to stop and discredit the true healing modalities.

It was a lot later that I learned about Germ Theory as a weapon to make certain Western Medicine could take the hold that it has on communities. I learned how personal frequency and physical choices could dictate health or dis-easement.

It was a lot later that I learned that no natural contagious virus has ever been isolated, but had long since wondered how my mother, who had never experienced German Measles, nursed me through it when I was six months old and then 2 ½ years old and never “caught” it. When I was 5, she experienced it and many of her students visited her at her home without fear of it.

These videos want you to get off on being a victim. But truly, information has always been available to you.

Earth is a place with “bad” entities, human and otherwise, here. If you choose to blindly trust one or many, you will learn from that experience.

It is terrific that a man decides to take on the opponent because he believes he has been harmed.  But two things: 1) He chose to blindly believe without searching out one single idea. Is a $hot of any description really necessary? 2) He is affiliated with the opponent to humanity. Sometimes, a loved one will be murdered to promote the family member in some way such as fame. This man is no ordinary Joe from down the block working a ten hour day.

Banksters and presstitutes are sneaky and infiltrate everywhere. Is it worth it to listen to things such as this video above? How does it benefit you? You do not need permission to learn Common Law and how to work the clerk’s office of a court to hold opponents to humanity accountable.

If anything, this man may be the opponent to humanity’s spokesman. He IS informing you what is to happen.

Please recall that within you is Pinky-rose Love. It is there for you to create a Space of Love. You can enjoy Earth despite the “bad” guys here.

Your Natural Rights have not been cancelled. Something evil has no standing to trespass on you. Stop giving permission.

Please ignore drama about a country’s reaction to this $hot. It doesn’t benefit you in any way. Ignore c*vid psy-op drama, or they are getting what they want from you.

Please know that some lot numbers of va((ines have had gene-altering properties in them for decades as per 13.1’s warning. If they didn’t test for something, then they are informing you that it will be in some vials. The opponent to humanity knows there is no natural, contagious virus. Why are they giving $hots? (Same with the PCR tool. It tests for no natural contagious virus, why give it?) The answers are simple.

When you listened to the link above, did you feel empowered and confident the whole way through? No anger? No fear? Please stop listening to “click bait.” It is not serving you.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Words Reveal Truth

If you dissect the word indigeneous, you will see that it means those with no genes. They can fly/move with a thought, and are not bogged down with limitation.In my book, I mention the Puppeteers' implants in the Genetic human...genes. The indigenous preceded the heavier new model on Earth, but they can still be here. (As right now, some Genetic humans chose to be the next new guy by allowing themselves to be tweaked into the successive human.)

The truly indigenous were anywhere, just as the Genetic human started to be, just as the successive human is now. (The pig is a tweaked human from long ago. Physical changes aren't always that obvious. The Puppeteers get off on humans willingly allowing themselves to be altered.)

The indigenous have probably been drawn to those of tribes, because out of all Genetic humans, they might have been more open and living closer to alignment with the Sound of Self. But, one of a tribe is not necessarily one with no genes.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Taking Back the System 101

It's entertaining when I hear advice such as, "Take back the System," you know from the controllers, the opponent to humanity.

To the average human, that must seem overwhelming. So here goes Taking Back the System 101.

1) Start with connecting with the Pinky-rose within you. It can be a training of mental-matter and a meditation in and of itself to try holding that Space of Love, especially when speaking or working, because now you are multitasking. When hostility has come into your space, then you have forgotten to come from the Pinky-rose within you. The hostility is a communication.

2) Write out what/who you give permission to come into your space and what/who you don't. Make a contract of what will happen if something or someone does come into your space unlawfully. What is the consequence going to be for them for having trespassed? 

3) Use Violet Cubes of Light to transmute whatever the perceived attack is into Blessings for all Lifestreams.

4) Read books from the past such as Collective Speeches of Congressmen Louis T. McFadden, New Guide to Health; Or, Botanic Family Physician by Samuel Thomson, and Béchamp or Pasteur A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by E. Douglas Hume. Learn Common Law. Learn about legalese, administrative "judges" and about Grand Juries. Recognize the jury was to be the fourth arm for balancing the system.

5) Stop the addiction to victimhood.

6) Consider not falling for every sound biter you hear. Go search the thought out in paper publications so you may sit with the thought awhile.

Here are some links associated with defense, Pinky-rose, Violet Cubes of Light, and non-physical "court":