Wednesday, September 11, 2024

POV from a Control Group Representative


It's occurring to me that the Trust of $cience group has no idea of the abuse that they put us through. By us I mean the Control Group...the group of healthy men and women who stood tall against having pharmaceuticals being put in our bloodstreams, against our nostrils and mouths being smothered, against a forensic tool used as a questionable swab to be shoved up noses, against isolation from others' microbiome, and against excessive washing and following arrows on a floor.

Healthy men and women all through time have been what kept societies together. The healthy are important. And yet the Trust the $cience group vilified us because they were convinced through their programming that the healthy were dangerous.

A psychological operation was set in motion and the healthy were always the target. Those who could think for themselves and had a healthcare regime outside Big Pharma were always the target because of the social credit system desired by the opponent to the MultiSelf. They were confident that it could get the Trust the $cience group to go on to the social credit system but the Control Group was going to be a problem so they needed to use humans to attack the Control Group and try and get them to cave and fall under the thumb of Big Pharma.

Mostly, it did not work.

They yelled at us that we were killing them while they couldn't see that it was their fear that was leading them to accept harmful modalities that was causing them problems. The Trust of $cience group was very much in the blame game and decided to target the healthfulness of men and women and to yell that they hoped we would die. Meanwhile, we were healthy.

As I pointed out during the c*vid psychological operation era, they tried this once before around 1918 to 1920. It didn't work because they couldn't get the whole population (only a small demographic) hypnotized without the help of $creens and the catchy made-up phrase, "Asymptomatic Carrier."

People wonder why society has divided into two. I can tell you that those in the Control Group are closer than ever because of what we just went through. We stood tall against the storm, losing jobs and losing many who we previously thought of as friends, and we came out whole, if not battered.

We would never think of FORCING them to take non-corn IV Vitamin C, homeopathy, chromotherapy, sound therapy, color-homeopathy, to think about exercising, to think about stopping eating junk food, to start searching out the truth about the agents of the government, to not va((inate their children, to stop going to Western Medicine, to use toothpicks to keep their eyelids open to see how certain things in their lives are causing harm, yet the Trust the $cience group (that obviously does not know the opponent), insisted that we do things their way because they were convinced that their way wouldn't work unless the whole world did it, which is such a joke!

In every decent experiment, there is a Control Group. From what I can see, those in the Control Group are doing fine and have been doing fine.

Both groups are being attacked with EMF and other weapons related to what they call communication but we don't have the same levels of hardware in our bodies that the Trust the $cience group does.

The Control Group, overall, is more aware of what's going on with the electromagnetic situation and even plastics in our systems and how to get them out. We're more aware of all the levels of attack all the way around. Yet, because we're educated and aware, we are vilified. Different is always a vilified. And "different" usually goes against agents of the governments and their nefarious plans. 

The Control Group was signed up for through inaction—purposely not being part of the so-called experiment, because we saw they KNEW what they were doing. 

For more information on the Agenda, "Legislators" and their harmful words on paper, the theory about germs so they could control and change Genetic humans with Western Medicine, and protection against them, please read Interdimensional Disturbances Access Denied at this link and please leave a review there and at Amazon. Thank you.