Thursday, December 26, 2019

Warning: Baby Steps Lead to the Social-Credit-Prison

          You may think it is benign when asked to rate an employee who has helped you, but this is a baby step that is leading to having every action that you do rated.  Your phone assists the criminals-that-believe-they-be on knowing everything about you through its spyware, so one day, they will rate you and deduct credits or add credits.  This will either allow you enough credits to do a desired thing, or deny you…and those around you may not want to associate with you if your actions….writing a blog about government goings-on, for instance…causes you to have few credits.

            You may think that an app on your phone for Starbucks or to get gas is awesome because you can buy one drink and get one free and get discounted gasoline for your car.  These apps on your phone seem handy and wonderful, because you get connected to so many opportunities that save you money.  But your phone is addictive and it is spyware and soon, authority figures may ask to see your phone for your driver’s license and then they may intrude on your privacy even more without a warrant.

            Is it truly you who gains by having Sky-net in your hand?  If you are a regular, sane bloke, then know that you have no idea where these seemingly innocent baby steps will lead you.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Human Ant in Contact, the Movie

            In the movie titled Contact, the Jodie Foster character, Ellie, goes on an eighteen hour journey with other lifeforms.  To the humans observing her take off, they saw her "ship" drop and crash below, though not badly, because she was fine.  Few believed her when she recounted the story, because they never saw her leave.

             Laura Knight-Jadczyk, through her books, taught me that a group, whether aliens or the military or otherwise, can take any person or thing and then return it to its timeline.  In the case of the movie plot in Contact, Ellie was placed back at the exact next second as if she had never left.  But sometimes in real life, they are not.  A deja vu may be that you were placed back a few seconds before you were taken, which causes you to relive those seconds again.

            The ants in the ant farm are constantly looking up and wondering about their universe when all along, they are imprisoned, controlled, and spied on themselves!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Envelope Markings Explained

For Entertainment Value Only

My reasons for using the Judicial District instead of discharging debt with de facto reserve notes is: to show Genetic-humans that there is another jurisdiction so what is there that you can’t see? And, using de facto reserve notes perpetuates the fraud. And, I conduct court through the post with Registered mail with my cancelled signature making this the highest post, in my opinion.

Do this at your own risk.  Know from what heart you are doing this if you choose to do it.

Note: In 2022, many officials everywhere blatantly behaved unlawfully in many areas. The General Post-office was no exception. Please add this to your envelopes. 

"18 U.S. Code § 1703 - Delay or destruction of mail.",%281%29%20%28B%29%2C%20Sept.%2013%2C%201994%2C%20108%20Stat.%202146.%29

The following applies for you no matter where you reside on Earth. (except South Africa no longer has a post office)  Your post codes may vary, but basically you are stating that you are not within the far-reaching District of Columbia.

The Receiver/Addressee Information:
You place the name in brackets to take it off the page.  I place colons in front of each name because Wynn said it makes me a noun.  I use the copyright symbol, because I am not a name, but this mark is my emblem to inform people that I am speaking through this that I have posted.  You have to place the General Post Office as your desired place for this post to start its journey, because you do not want to go through the puppet United States Postal Service (USPS).  Judicial District is off the page, so they can deny anything is there…Meaning…they are not there.  They are hidden and wish to remain so.  Non-Domestic, zip exempt is important, because you want to be outside the District of Columbia.  I forgot this on a letter to the Pope, and it came back asking me for $1.15.  Remember this is using the USPS.  Without UNITED STATES equals outside the corporation known as the United States. This is important, because here in California, I am writing from a country within the states of the union.

The Sender:
Usually in blue, but black is acceptable, I write details on the International Mail Manual, even though I have acknowledged the UPU within the stamp.

The “Stamp”:
You become the postmaster, judge, banker when you sign here in red.  No brackets used, because you do not want to take your signature off the page.  There is a rabbit hole waiting for you related to being a postmaster.  I feel this is key to travelling without identification (passport or driver’s license).  On Her Majesty’s Service (O. H. M. S.) is revealing about the queen’s involvement. The UPU is The Universal Postal Union, an international organization that coordinates postal policies among member nations, as well as the worldwide postal system.

From“Article RL 114 Prepayment.  Methods of denoting payment 1 Principle 1.1  As a general rule, items shall be fully prepaid by the sender. 2 Methods of denoting prepayment 2.1 Prepayment shall be denoted by means of any one of the following methods: 2.1.1 postage stamps printed on or affixed to the items and valid in the member country of origin; 2.1.2 postal prepayment impressions valid in the member country of origin and dispensed by automatic vending machines installed by designated operators of origin; 2.1.3 impressions of officially approved franking machines valid in the country of origin, operating under the direct supervision of the designated operator of origin; 2.1.4 impressions made by a printing press or other printing or stamping process when such a system is authorized by the regulations of the designated operator of origin. 2.2 Items may also be provided with an indication that full postage has been prepaid, for example, "Taxe perçue" ("Postage paid"). This indication shall appear in the top righthand part of the address side and be authenticated by a date-stamp impression of the office of origin. In the case of unpaid or underpaid items, the impression of the office which prepaid the item or made up the postage on it shall be applied opposite this indication.


I write Foreign Office of Origin in blue and date it.  I am writing from outside the District of Columbia, outside the system, so it is foreign.  I am also being my own being within my own country, so am foreign.

9/13/21 added
My cousin in South Africa informed me there is no post anymore.  Couriers may be hired.  I sent a pre-paid letter to South Africa and ten months later, it came back to me.  It seems true.

And even when I did everything correctly, it seems the Pope refused to receive a letter from a private, living man.  It came back.

Make labels then it's easier with all the letters you write.

Go ahead. Right now. Search what's written in blue here. I once had a manager at a postal office do this on his own work computer. He could not believe it.

Get a stack of tracking slips from the post office and place them underneath the blue writing on the left hand side of the envelope. I cut off the United States Postal Service...All that blue and red part, I cut that off.

 Even though when we send letters like this, we are international to the District of Columbia, when you are sending a letter to one of the 50 states of the Union, you can use this kind of tracking... provided you are mailing it from one of the 50 states.

When I choose to walk into a post office and hand a package or letter (that has my signature as the stamp on it) to the worker behind the counter, they have received it before they even look at it. If they start to say anything at all about how strange it is and they try to hand it back to me, I simply say that it's a federal offense to obstruct the delivery of mail. "You have taken it. You have to send it." That's all I say. (18 US Code 1701. Basically the obstruction of the delivery of mail may result in a fine, imprisonment for not more than six months, or both.)

Some claim that purchasing stamps from the USPS is contributing to the fraud of the defacto system. I have two main reasons for using the General post-office. I want to be seen as private living man when I write to the defacto agents of the government. I want to show people who call me names (such as a conspiracy theorist) that there really is another district there because I can actually send post through it and prove it's there.

Gem of a link.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Two Jurisdictions Within Each State

A fictitious government that overlays a true law of the land would, could, and is harming the populace.  I cannot make you see what you do not want to see.  But I can show you something…

         Outward appearances for what is known as the United States of America is very different to the reality.  Each state is a country in and of itself, but an impostor District of Columbia is operating on the surface, overlapping with each country/territory of the state of the union.  (Read books published prior to the Civil War to see how people referred to their home states as countries.)  For just one example of something "the elite" have in place that you know nothing about is the General Post-office.  This is within that old-time jurisdiction and it may still be accessed.  The so-called elite, the-criminals-that-believe-they-be, made sure no-cost post would always be there and that others would pay for it instead of them.  For example, the USPS is the system which operates on the surface and you pay for it. They made sure of it by teaching you how to address an envelope during formal education...And I hope this "reveal" gets you to wonder what else you were taught in order for a certain reality to be hidden from your view.

         Physical snail prove that another post office exists and that I am not a conspiracy theorist in saying it is there.  Speaking of conspiracy...

I say, “The government is out to destroy you with mandating vaccines.”  Though these pharmaceuticals have never been proven safe, effective, or necessary, and are based on an outdated model of the immune system and only a theory related to pathogens, and though the population grows sicker, I am called a conspiracy theorist.  "The government would never harm people," many have stated to me.

I say, “SMART meters are a military weapon that will pulse and weaken the walls of your homes and the cells of your bodies.”  Though there is a plethora of proof that Secret Militarized Armament Residential Technology is destroying our health, I am called a conspiracy theorist.  "The government would never harm people," many have stated to me.

I say, “4G and 5G are end game technology.  Fourth Generation can cause low sperm counts and cancer.  Fifth Generation can manipulate your emotions or turn you to dust.”  Though there is a plethora of proof that this is basically Sky Net on your streets, I am called a conspiracy theorist.  "The government would never harm people," many have stated to me.

           But is this government what you think it is?

          When you stand in a courtroom, talk to a police officer who has pulled you over, travel with a passport, or have your kids vaccinated because legislation told you to do so, you are operating as a US citizen, a pawn to the District of Columbia as you were taught through TV programs, to name one method.  (Because, you see, just as you were taught to address an envelope in a certain way, you have been taught how courtrooms are run, et cetera.)  Writing letters of protest to an official within the fictitious system through their impostor mail service will not convince them to listen to you.  (I realize "impostor" sounds harsh when speaking of something we have warm, fuzzy feelings for and have always relied on, but it is a necessary description.)

          When you send post from outside the UNITED STATES from the country/territory of California, for instance, you are saying that you do not buy into the lies of a fictitious system and demand it to step aside to a just, persevering law of right action and treatment for all.  You are saying that they are perpetrating a foreign attack on you (for a fictitious government is an attack...not to mention mandated vaccines, SMART meters, and 4G/5G) and must stop according to their own legislation.  And, most of all, this is what the beauty of using this post-office has to offer us: proof that this other jurisdiction is someone must have hidden it...and that someone is the fictitious government, for it would have been someone or something who/that could have gained from it.

                                                Details on this envelope may be reached at this link:                    

            If the General Post-Office Judicial District is not there, then how come my post goes through it?

Monday, November 25, 2019

S.M.A.R.T. Meter Removal 101

            I have had two meters removed from two homes where I have resided.  I realize that does not make me a pro, but I would even try my technique in a state such as Tennessee, where “opting out” of SMART meters is not permitted to those who identify “District of Columbia,” i.e. as a US citizen.

            In 2013, when I moved into a rental home, I called the electric company (DWP) and informed them never to show up at my house with a SMART meter.  I said, “Make a note of it on my account.  I don’t want it!”  Now, I knew that person had no idea to what I was referring.  It was as if that person had never heard the word “SMART” when used as an acronym.  But I made that call so that if they ever intruded on my property to install the devil, I could do something about it, since, at that time, I had not thought of my present plan.

            Fast-forward to 2016, I came home from work to a SMART meter on the wall in place of the analogue one.  I was livid.  I spent two hours on the phone before they (the DWP) agreed to come out and remove it and without charging me.  I had to sift through all the bs talk on effectiveness and how I have to pay because one guy has to come out to read it.  “Nope,” I said, “For years many guys have come out to many homes and at no charge.  You are not going to charge me when there is only one.  You have less men in the field, not more.”  I kept reiterating that I made a call and had it placed into my account not to have it removed.  (If I were to do that technique again, I would follow it up with a letter sent without postage from the non-domestic jurisdiction.)

            On Friday, November 22, 2019, I called the new electric company (Edison) to have the SMART meter removed from my new home.  I wanted to be certain to say a few things up front, because I am not “opting out” and; therefore, intend to pay nothing.  I had said that I want an analogue meter, and not the kind with a transmitter within it.  The man said, “Okay, but I don’t even know what that [one with a transmitter within] is.”  He added,  “I’m just checking protocol to get you back to analogue,” as if I am the first to call, which I do not believe for a second.  I immediately pounced on his words.  “I love your language, ‘To get back to analogue.’ We didn’t 'opt in' to the whole SMART thing, secret militarized armament residential technology.  I have no military training. I do not want a military weapon parked on my wall.  And so I’m really glad that you used that language, ‘To get back to the analogue.’  It is absolutely ridiculous.  Do you know about it?  There’s…”  He quickly said that he needed to place me on hold, so I did not have an opportunity to mention about a “contract,” which I would have liked to have done after I was to say that there are 928 million hertz going through a 60 hertz grid when a SMART meter is used and that that sounds dangerous to me. 

             The mention of a contract is important, because if they were to leave the meter on the wall of my home, I want them to know that I see that as them entering a contract with me and that I will charge $200,000/month for that.  If anyone asks you if you use a SMART phone, answer, “Look.  I can park a tanker in my backyard if I so choose.  The point of this conversation centers around choice and I do not choose to 'opt in' to having a Secret Militarized Armament Residential Technology meter on my wall.  I do not choose to have the pulsing harm the dry wall of my house, nor to harm the cells of my body.  If you choose to leave it there, then I will see that you are entering a contract with me and that contract is that Edison will pay me $200,000/month while Edison is storing a military weapon on the wall of my home."

So, he placed me on hold and disappeared for a few minutes.  When he came back, he asked if I had dogs on my property and wanted knowledge about how to gain access to the backyard.  He informed me it would take from three to seven business days and with Thanksgiving approaching, I got it into my head that it may be the week of December 2nd.  “Thank-you very much.  No cost to me, correct?”  He said, “Correct.”  (DWP had said something such as, “$75 for the initial switch over and $35/month,” which had prompted me to say, “Absolutely not,” and that is why the conversation took two hours compared to this one that was roughly five minutes.  The bullets below should help residents who need to take on companies that wish to charge for removal.)

It had taken DWP a week to give me my analogue meter back.  Imagine my surprise when on November 23, a Saturday at that, a supervisor was at my home to take the meter away!  I went out back with him and I checked again, “This is at no cost to me.”  He was surprised.  “It’s costing me $10/month to not have a SMART meter,” he said.  (I hope you caught that.  Notice how many inventors of technology do not send their kids to wi-fied schools and how many doctors do not allow their children to be vaccinated.  Add to that list how many electricians do not have a SMART meter on the walls of their homes.)  Since I had no opportunity to inform Edison that they would be entering into a contract with me for $200,000/month, I told him.  Then I picked up the meter he had brought out, ready to place on the wall.  “Landis," I said.  "They’re bad.  This has a transmitter in it."  “The analogues are Landis, too.”  He went on to reason that it was not the same as the current meter that was read back at headquarters.  “This one,” he assured me, “is read from outside your fence.  We have to be nearby, just not right here.”  I handed it to him.  “I want an analogue without a transmitter.”  He said he would be back on Monday.

It is Monday and a worker, Daniel, just showed up.  I checked that the analogue meter was not a Landis + Gyr MS or MX, which reportedly can have a transmitter.  Guess what.  It is the MS kind.   He assured me there is no transmitter within it and did not deny it when I said that it can have a transmitter within it.  I informed him that I will be checking the meter with equipment (when I am able to borrow it from a friend) to make certain there is nothing SMART about my new meter.  If I find there is, I will have to charge Edison for how many days the military weapon/meter has been on my wall starting today, no matter how long it takes me to get around to measuring it.  He said, “Well, lady, this is the analogue Edison uses, so you’ll be out of luck.”  I do feel confident that Edison would not place a transmitter within it, but I will check.

Important points to remember:
·         You are not in the wrong for protecting your home and family against big business.  Do not allow them to bully you.  Stay in control.  The only questions you have to answer are about dogs and gates on your property.  It is none of their business if you use a landline or have been suckered into the whole SMART phone scene as most of us have been.  Do not allow them to make you wrong about anything.
·         You are not opting out.  State up front that you never opted in to having a military weapon on the wall of your home.  State up front that you never opted in to the dangers of 928 million hertz travelling through a 60 hertz grid.
·         State up front that you want to switch to an analogue meter without a transmitter within.
·         Mention a contract.  From the time you are aware of Secret Militarized Armament Residential Technology remaining on your wall after such and such a date, you will see that as the electric company having entered into a contract with you where you charge $200,000/month for a military weapon to be stored at your house.
·         Do not mention surveillance, etc. that these meters allow.  The workers do not care, and you need to keep it simple.  Instead, study videos about SMART meters so you have so much confidence, you hardly need to say a thing.


           The thing is to take charge quickly. "Yes, Hello.  This is (name account number) and I am calling to have the SMART meter replaced with an analogue meter without a transmitter within it, because I never 'opted in' to having a military weapon parked on my wall."  You correct them every time they say "You want to 'Opt out?'"  "No, I never 'opted in.'  If you want me to continue having this military weapon here, then I see that as you are entering a contract with me and I will charge you $200,000/month, now that I am aware that secret militarized armament residential technology is on a wall of my home and I'm not even in the military!"  Reiterate after they start the order for removal, "Make certain it has no transmitter embedded, purely mechanical, or when I become aware of the transmitter, I will charge from the time it was placed on the wall of my home no matter how long it takes me to become aware."  Also, at some point state, "This is at no cost to me, correct?"  If they state a cost say, "No.  Perhaps you are not understanding.  I never opted in to having a weapon parked on my wall and now that I have become aware about what you did, I am asking you to remove it at no cost to me and you are damn lucky I don't charge you for all the time the SMART meter was stored on my property."

Valuable info:

Notice the Olde English.  This is supposedly the legislation used to roll out S. M. A. R. T. meters in the US. Sections 1301-1309. Wow. Took down.

Inventions with free energy suppressed because many big companies want money and power through S. M. A. R. T. technology and 4G & 5G.  They claim it is national security, but inventions are squashed because they want you to remain their slave.

December 6, 2019, I have received my bill and was not charged...unlike the supervisor who pays $10/month in order to not have a SMART meter!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Foreign Attacks on Your Country: Understand the Jeopardy in Which You Stand

Disclaimer: I, a living man, do not practice law.  It is important that you do your own research and simply read herein for entertainment purposes only. Read with responsibility.  After all, you have the ability to choose your own responses.

[No matter where you reside, if “The System” is in your experience, if you have government, then you reside in an area that has at least two jurisdictions that that government and post office will acknowledge.  Therefore, to one jurisdiction, the other is foreign.  What is amusing is that, for example, the far-reaching District of Columbia, the UNITED STATES, has words on paper that support attacks on life of the District of Columbia.  (See Ronald Reagan’s 1986 immunity for pharmaceutical companies with vaccines and the Federal Telecommunications Act 1996, Section 704, and S. M. A. R. T. Meter legislation Sections 1301-1309,  and claiming "National Security" as a reason to squash free-energy projects, for some examples.)  These attacks, whether in a vial or the vile towers, are an attack on the Judicial District and the non-districts of bees, Nature People (Spirits), and other lifestreams, as well.  We can be their voice and speak up for the programmed masses, as well, when we ask the District of Columbia to stop while standing in the Judicial District as we do it.  Right now, 5G can be turned up and turn you to dust, so it seems a pretty important opponent to stop.  However, if some other topic (geoengineering, pesticides, GMO’s, lack of therapeutic levels with vitamins, vaccine mandates, S. M. A. R. T. meters, etc) interests you, then please use these models below to assist you with your letters of importance with those topics.  And remember, research further so you feel comfortable and responsible for your actions or inaction.

I have experimented sending two-cent stamped letters and now I am sending “POSTAGE PAID," meaning I have paid nothing for the stamp and there is no stamp affixed.  Next, I will send POSTAGE PAID registered letters to the same officials, so I have proof they received them.  Understand that I am not trying to get out of paying anything.  I am taking a stand against a system by flowing with another hidden jurisdiction, because our power lies outside their system, but also because when I inform the masses about reality within the fiction of "The System," I am called a conspiracy theorist and dismissed.  When someone receives post without a stamp or with a two-cent stamp, the illusion starts to shatter.  Next, it is easier for the average Joe to realize that, to their government, they are already dead; therefore, legislation such as making marijuana GMOed or destroying health with towers or vaccines is more easily understood. 

Please join me when you are ready.  (If you’re comfortable acting within "The System," then please make phone calls and send mail through USPS because it will at least be something.)  Either way, please use your own language while using my letters as a guideline.  For example, you may not normally say lifestreams, but prefer lifeforms, or perhaps naming the species specifically.  Same with how you end your letters.  Please use mine as a template, but use your own words.  Certainly, repeat your own statements with each individual.  I feel Olde English should be the font, but it is too challenging to read, so I only do parts in that font right now.   

For baby steps, first, experiment by standing in the other jurisdiction of your country.  If in the US, write a letter and post it with a two-cent stamp through the general-post or for free through the international post from the judicial district.  Next, send powerful letters to politicians, postmasters, judges, the Pope, the Queen, and others who may be the controllers of the fiction.  I have started to use the colon with my name to make me a fact in hopes that as a living man in their eyes, they have to listen.   

For some back story on what I am calling attacks in my letters that you may read shortly, no foreign government to those who operate in the Judicial District, or an unnamed district, or no official district at all, has a right to force pharmaceuticals that have not been proven safe, effective, or even necessary onto those who operate in the Judicial District, or some other unnamed district.  Further, no government has the right to place 4G cell towers, small cells, or 5G antennas on lands occupied by those of the Judicial District or some unnamed district.  Both are a foreign attack.  Both may be stopped by their own legislation, as can geoengineering, etc.  Again, all of these attacks by the governments that we have thought of as our governments are foreign attacks.

Here is a link to the International Mail Manual, where I am experimenting with no postage because of being foreign to the system—outside the “District of Columbia,” no matter their name where one resides on Earth.

To learn how to send "Pre-Paid"/POSTAGE PAID post in order to make a point when corresponding with those of the District of Columbia about their foreign, deadly legislation (whether 4G, 5G, or vaccines), this video can teach you ideas that you may choose from. & (I have not read, but you might like to)

Another source where he emphasizes us being foreign to the UNITED STATES by their Constitution, whereas, I see the UNITED STATES as the foreign entity here in comparison to myself, is the following link. I place [Judicial District] on my post so I am clearly stating that I am not of UNITED STATES.

I have learned a lot from The Justinian Deception where I was introduced to the Chicago Manual of Styles and Black’s Law Dictionary.

My video:

I know for a fact that letters may be sent with a two-cent stamp or no stamp at all, as I have received proof.  Here are the letters:

[:Jane :Jones ©]
c/o #### Any Street,
Any City, CA [RFD 9####]

21 October 2019 

[Attorney General Xavier Becerra]
[California Department of Justice]
c/o P. O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA [RFD 94244] 

Dear [Attorney General Becerra],

            The Office of the Attorney General of California is the "state's top lawyer and law enforcement official, protecting and serving the people and interests of California through a broad range of duties," including "safeguarding the public" and "preserving California's spectacular natural resources (  I am so happy to hear that you are ready to protect and preserve, so please stop the harm that The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is doing. 

In reading the Federal Rules Civil Procedure 44.1 where it states, "A party who intends to raise an issue about a foreign country's law must give notice by pleading or other writing," it occurs to me that the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is a foreign law/legislation that I take issue with.

I am writing you from Without UNITED STATES requesting that you stop the foreign attack that is occurring on the lands known as California.  The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is (as California’s S.1699 is to be) a blatant foreign attack from the far-reaching District of Columbia on all jurisdictions, including on us.  The foreign UNITED STATES federal government has no jurisdiction over the land known as California of the states of the union, so you need to please stop this attack.  For example, the District of Columbia has no jurisdiction over the bees and other life that their military weapon known as Fifth Generation is harming. 

When it is against the wishes of any private person (and one who uses the post from another jurisdiction—one foreign to UNITED STATES), it is inappropriate for 4G cell towers and 5G antennas to be installed on grounds occupied by living men.  I am requesting your assistance in implementing the removal of all 4G cell towers and 5G antennas in what is known as states of the union, where it is against true Law to assault with foreign military-grade weapons instead of using alternate means to support communication and taking towers at least back to 3G.

Further, please make it known that other means are available in supporting communication while not harming ecosystems and varieties of lifestreams.  Please allow the proof of harm from these foreign weapons (along with original intention) to be revealed now as one by one, we are voting that it is time.  Lands need to be free of the foreign, harmful 4G towers and military weapon known as 5G in support of our environment.  You represent living men.  We need you to protect us now.  Remember, it is your duty to "serve our state and work honorably every day to fulfill California's promise" and safeguard California's human and natural resources "for this and future generations."  Thank-you.

Sincerely yours,

[:Jane :Jones ©]  

[:Jane :Jones ©]
c/o #### Any Street,
Any City, CA [RFD 9####]

21 October 2019 

His Holiness Pope Francis
c/o Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano
[RFD 00120] Vatican City

Dear Your Holiness,

In reading the Federal Rules Civil Procedure 44.1 where it states"A party who, intends to raise an issue about a foreign country's law must give notice by a pleading or other writing,"it occurs to me that the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is a foreign law/legislation that I take issue with.

I am writing you from without UNITED STATES, requesting that you stop the foreign attack that is occurring on the lands known as the fifty states of the United States of America, as well as states of the union, to name two, through your jurisdiction.  The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is (as California’s S.1699 is to be) a blatant foreign attack from the far-reaching District of Columbia on all jurisdictions, including on us.  The foreign UNITED STATES federal government has no jurisdiction over the lands known as states of the union, so you need to please stop this attack.

When it is against the wishes of any private person (and one who uses the post from another jurisdiction—one foreign to UNITED STATES), it is inappropriate for 4G cell towers and 5G antennas to be installed on grounds occupied by living men.  I am requesting your assistance in implementing the removal of all 4G cell towers and 5G antennas in what is known as states of the union, where it is against true Law to assault with foreign military-grade weapons instead of using alternate means to support communication and taking towers at least back to 3G.

Further, please make it known that other means are available in supporting
communication while not harming ecosystems and varieties of lifestreams.  Please allow the proof of harm from these foreign weapons (along with original intention) to be revealed now as one by one, we are voting that it is time.  Lands need to be free of the foreign, harmful 4G towers and military weapon known as 5G in support of our environment.  We need you to protect us now. 

Sincerely yours,

[:Jane :Jones ©]

[:Jane :Jones ©]
c/o #### Any Street,
Any City, CA [RFD 9####]

21 October 2019 

[Her Majesty The Queen]
Buckingham Palace
London [RFD SW1A 1AA] 


Dear Your Majesty,

I am writing you from Without UNITED STATES requesting that you stop the foreign attack that is occurring on the lands known as the fifty states of the United States of America, as well as states of the union, to name two.  The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is (as California’s S. 1699 is to be) a blatant foreign attack from the far-reaching District of Columbia on all jurisdictions, including on us.  The foreign UNITED STATES federal government and foreign London financial district have no jurisdiction over the land known as known as states of the union, so you need to please stop this attack.

Webster’s Dictionary online defines “city” as a British town and as I do not reside under District of Columbia jurisdiction, I would like you to stop the foreign attack known as 4G and 5G on fellow lifestreams and myself.  Since “Cities” on lands known by some as District of Columbia are thought of as part of the London financial district, I further request that you stop this attack.

When it is against the wishes of any private person (and one who uses the post from another jurisdiction—one foreign to UNITED STATES), it is inappropriate for 4G cell towers and 5G antennas to be installed on grounds occupied by living men.  I am requesting your assistance in implementing the removal of all 4G cell towers and 5G antennas in what is known as California and the other states of the union, where it is against true Law to assault with foreign military-grade weapons that harm beyond 3D instead of using alternate means to support communication.  I am requesting you at least take towers back to 3G. 

Further, please make it known that other means are available in supporting commun-ication while not harming ecosystems and varieties of lifestreams.  Please allow the proof of harm from these foreign weapons (along with original intention) to be revealed now as one by one, we are voting that it is time.  Lands need to be free of the foreign, harmful 4G towers and military weapon known as 5G in support of our environment.  The governments of the world that participate in the system are not what you serve.  You serve living men and we need you to protect us now.  Thank-you.

Sincerely yours,

[:Jane :Jones ©]

[:Jane :Jones ©]
c/o #### Any Street,
Any City, CA [RFD 9####]

21 October 2019 

[USPS Office of the Consumer Advocate Judicial District]
[General Postmaster]
c/o 475 L' Enfant Plaza, SW Room 4012 
Washington, DC [RFD 20260-2200] 

Dear [General Postmaster Judicial District],

In reading the Federal Rules Civil Procedure 44.1 where it states, "A party who intends to raise an issue about a foreign country's law must give notice by a pleading or other writing,"it occurs to me that the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is a foreign law/legislation that I take issue with. 

I am writing you from Without UNITED STATES, requesting that you stop the foreign attack that is occurring on the lands known as the fifty states of the United States of America, as well as states of the union, because postmasters have jurisdiction.  The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is (as California’s S. 1699 is to be) a blatant, foreign attack from the District of Columbia on all jurisdictions, including on us.  The foreign UNITED STATES federal government has no jurisdiction over the lands known as states of the union, so you need to please put a stop to this attack.

When it is against the wishes of any private person (and one who uses the post from another jurisdiction—one foreign to UNITED STATES), it is inappropriate for 4G cell towers and 5G antennas to be installed on grounds occupied by living men.  I am requesting your assistance in implementing the removal of all 4G cell towers and 5G antennas in what is known as the states of the union, where it is against true Law to assault with foreign military-grade weapons instead of using alternate means to support communication and taking towers at least back to 3G.

Further, please make it known that other means are available in supporting communication while not harming ecosystems and varieties of lifestreams.  Please allow the proof of harm from these foreign weapons (along with original intention) to be revealed now as one by one, we are voting that it is time.  Lands need to be free of the foreign, harmful 4G towers and the military weapon known as 5G in support of our environment.  We need you to protect us now.  Thank-you.

Sincerely yours,

[:Jane :Jones ©]

[:Jane :Jones ©]
c/o #### Any Street,
Any City, CA [RFD 9####]

21 October 2019

[Supreme Court of the United States Judicial District] 
c/o 1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC [RFD 20543]

Dear [Without UNITED STATES Justice],

In reading the Federal Rules Civil Procedure 44.1 where it states"A party who, intends to raise an issue about a foreign country's law must give notice by a pleading or other writing,"it occurs to me that the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is a foreign law/legislation that I take issue with.

I am writing you from Without UNITED STATES, requesting that you stop the foreign attack that is occurring on the lands known as the fifty states of the United States of America, as well as states of the union, to name two.  The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is (as California’s S. 1699 is to be) a blatant foreign attack from the far-reaching District of Columbia on all jurisdictions, including on us.  The foreign UNITED STATES federal government has no jurisdiction over the lands known as states of the union, so you need to please put a stop to this attack.

When it is against the wishes of any private person (and one who uses the post from another jurisdiction, one foreign to UNITED STATES), it is inappropriate for 4G cell towers and 5G antennas to be installed on grounds occupied by living men.  I am requesting your assistance in implementing the removal of all 4G cell towers and 5G antennas in what is known as the states of the union, where it is against true Law to assault with foreign military-grade weapons instead of using alternate means to support communication and taking towers at least back to 3G.

Further, please make it known that other means are available in supporting commun-ication while not harming ecosystems and varieties of lifestreams.  Please allow the proof of harm from these foreign weapons (along with original intention) to be revealed now as one by one, we are voting that it is time.  Lands need to be free of the foreign, harmful 4G towers and the military weapon known as 5G in support of our environment.  The federal government is not what you serve.  You serve living men and we need you to protect us now.  Thank-you, Your Honors.

Sincerely yours,

[:Jane :Jones ©]

[:Jane :Jones ©]
c/o #### Any Street,
Any City, CA [RFD 9####]

21 October 2019 

[Department of City Planning] 
c/o 200 N. Spring Street, Room 272
Los Angeles, CA [RFD 90012]

Dear [HAPC],

            I have questions.  Is the tower still permitted to go up even though the property is up for sale? If so, has a date been set for construction of the tower?  Or, has the contract between property owner and the cell company been broken?  I would think selling the property ends this conversation.  I would think that a new owner would have to enter into a contract with the cell company and that my neighbors and you are to start all over again.

           Just for your information, a neighbor and I took readings of the 4G towers and 5G antennas in Any City.  We were blown away by the huge readings of harm being done to all life there, including on two elementary campuses.  We also filmed the low reading we got near where the tower may be built on This Avenue and That Street.  If future large or small cell towers show up there, we will record the readings at all times of the day on various days to see what those cells are doing to the community.  A before and after for the community to witness will be an eye-opener.  

           That being said, in reading the Federal Rules Civil Procedure 44.1 where it states, "A party who intends to raise an issue about a foreign country's law must give notice by a pleading or other writing," it occurs to me that the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is a foreign law/legislation that I take issue with.      

 I am writing you from Without UNITED STATES requesting that you stop your involvement with the foreign attack that is occurring on the lands known as LA City within the states of the union.  The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is (as California’s S. 1699 is to be) a blatant foreign attack from the far-reaching District of Columbia on all jurisdictions, including on us.  The foreign UNITED STATES federal government has no jurisdiction over the lands known as states of the union, so you need to please stop this attack of 4G and 5G towers and antennas on those of this jurisdiction.  It is your responsibility to consider health of living men and the environment when permitting construction of anything, no matter what the District of Columbia has written on paper.  Thank-you.

Sincerely yours,

[:Jane :Jones ©]

[:Jane :Jones ©]
c/o #### Any Street,
Any City, CA [RFD #####]

21 October 2019

[Governor Gavin Newsom]
c/o 1303 10th Street, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA [RFD 95814]

Dear [Governor Newsom],

In reading the Federal Rules Civil Procedure 44.1 where it states, "A party who, intends to raise an issue about a foreign country's law must give notice by a pleading or other writing,"it occurs to me that the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is a foreign law/legislation that I take issue with.

I am writing you from Without UNITED STATES requesting that you stop the foreign attack that is occurring on the lands known as California of the states of the union.  The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is (as California’s S. 1699 is to be) a blatant foreign attack from the far-reaching District of Columbia on all jurisdictions, including on us.  The foreign UNITED STATES federal government has no jurisdiction over the lands known as states of the union, so you need to please stop this attack.

When it is against the wishes of any private person (and one who uses the post from another jurisdiction—one foreign to UNITED STATES), it is inappropriate for 4G cell towers and 5G antennas to be installed on grounds occupied by living men.  I am requesting your assistance in implementing the removal of all 4G cell towers and 5G antennas in what is known as the states of the union, where it is against true Law to assault with foreign military grade weapons instead of using alternate means to support communication and taking towers at least back to 3G.

Further, please make it known that other means are available in supporting communication while not harming ecosystems and varieties of lifestreams.  Please allow the proof of harm from these foreign weapons (along with original intention) to be revealed now as one by one, we are voting that it is time.  Lands need to be free of the foreign, harmful 4G towers and military weapon known as 5G in support of our environment.  You represent living men.  We need you to protect us now. 

Sincerely yours,

[:Jane :Jones ©]

[:Jane :Jones ©]
c/o #### Any Street,
Any City, CA [RFD 9####]

21 October 2019

[Congresswoman Maxine Waters]
c/o 10124 South Broadway, Suite 1
Los Angeles, CA [RFD 90003]

Dear [Congresswoman Waters],

I was reading the Federal Rules Civil Procedure 44.1 where it states, "A party who, intends to raise an issue about a foreign country's law must give notice by a pleading or other writing,"it occurs to me that the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is a foreign law/legislation that I take issue with.

I am writing you from Without UNITED STATES, requesting that you stop the foreign attack that is occurring on the lands known as California of the states of the union.  The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is (as California’s S. 1699 is to be) a blatant foreign attack from the far-reaching District of Columbia on all jurisdictions, including on us.  The foreign UNITED STATES federal government has no jurisdiction over the lands known as states of the union, so you need to please stop this attack.

When it is against the wishes of any private person (and one who uses the post from another jurisdiction—one foreign to UNITED STATES), it is inappropriate for 4G cell towers and 5G antennas to be installed on grounds occupied by living men.  I am requesting your assistance the removal of all 4G cell towers and 5G antennas in what is known as California, where it is against true Law to assault with foreign military-grade weapons instead of using alternate means to support communication and taking towers at least back to 3G.

Further, please make it known that other means are available in supporting communication while not harming ecosystems and varieties of lifestreams.  Please allow the proof of harm from these foreign weapons (along with original intention) to be revealed now as one by one, we are voting that it is time.  Lands need to be free of the foreign, harmful 4G towers and military weapon known as 5G in support of our environment.  The federal government is not what you serve.  You serve living men and we need you to protect us now.  Thank-you.

Sincerely yours,

[:Jane :Jones ©]

[:Jane :Jones ©]
c/o #### Any Street,
Any City, CA, [RFD #####]

25 October 2019

[Congressman Ted Lieu] 
c/o 1600 Rosecrans Avenue, 4th Floor
Manhattan Beach, CA [RFD 90266]

Dear [Congressman Lieu],

I was reading the Federal Rules Civil Procedure 44.1 where it states, "A party who, intends to raise an issue about a foreign country's law must give notice by a pleading or other writing,"it occurs to me that the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is a foreign law/legislation that I take issue with.

I am writing you from Without UNITED STATES, requesting that you stop the foreign attack that is occurring on the lands known as California of the states of the union.  The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is (as California’s S. 1699 is to be) a blatant foreign attack from the far-reaching District of Columbia on all jurisdictions, including on us.  The foreign UNITED STATES federal government has no jurisdiction over the lands known as states of the union, so you need to please put a stop this attack.

When it is against the wishes of any private person (and one who uses the post from another jurisdiction—one foreign to UNITED STATES), it is inappropriate for 4G cell towers and 5G antennas to be installed on grounds occupied by living men.  I am requesting your assistance in the removal of all 4G cell towers and 5G antennas in what is known as California, where it is against true Law to assault with foreign military-grade weapons instead of using alternate means to support communication and taking towers at least back to 3G.

Further, please make it known that other means are available in supporting communication while not harming ecosystems and varieties of lifestreams.  Please allow the proof of harm from these foreign weapons (along with original intention) to be revealed now as one by one, we are voting that it is time.  Lands need to be free of the foreign, harmful 4G towers and military weapon known as 5G in support of our environment.  The federal government is not what you serve.  You serve living men and we need you to protect us now.  Thank-you.

Sincerely yours,

[:Jane :Jones ©]

[:Jane :Jones ©]
c/o #### Any Street,
Any City, CA [RFD 9####]

21 October 2019 

[Supreme Court of California Judicial District]
c/o 350 McAllister Street, Room 1295
San Francisco, CA [RFD 94102]

Dear [Without UNITED STATES Justices],

In reading the Federal Rules Civil Procedure 44.1 where it states, "A party who intends to raise an issue about a foreign country's law must give notice by pleading or other writing," it occurs to me that the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is a foreign law/legislation that I take issue with.

I am writing you from Without UNITED STATES requesting that you stop the foreign attack that is occurring on the lands known as California.  The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 704 is (as California’s S. 1699 is to be) a blatant foreign attack from the far-reaching District of Columbia on all jurisdictions, including on us.  The foreign UNITED STATES federal government has no jurisdiction over the land known as California of the states of the union, so you need to please stop this attack.  The District of Columbia has no jurisdiction over the bees that their military weapon known as Fifth Generation is harming. 

Also, when it is against the wishes of any private person (and one who uses the post from another jurisdiction—one foreign to UNITED STATES), it is inappropriate for 4G cell towers and 5G antennas to be installed on grounds occupied by living men.  I am requesting your assistance in implementing the removal of all 4G cell towers and 5G antennas in what is known as California of the states of the union, where it is against true Law to assault with foreign military-grade weapons instead of using alternate means to support communication and taking towers at least back to 3G.

            Alongside this, even if I were to declare, make known that you need to stop 4G and 5G attacks from within the system, legislation exists in support of that, as well.  The Montevideo on the Rights and Duties of States on December 26, 1933 was a convention where the UNITED STATES was one of many like itself that codified the declarative theory of statehood as accepted as part of customary international law.  The Declarative Theory of Statehood, which encompasses sovereign states, defines a state as a person (Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Ed. on page 595 says that a person may be a human being, a firm, partnerships, etc.) in international law if four criteria are met.  The first wants me to define my territory.  Here where I stand, sit, sleep, walk, run, and simply AM, whether thought of as inside or outside the District of Columbia by others, is my defined territory.  I have a permanent population of one.  The structure of principles and rules determining how a state or organization is regulated is expressed by Natural Law and how I interface with it, using my brain for one.  The fourth criteria is for one to have the capacity to enter into relations with other states and since I have the capacity to contract with others, the United States Constitution gives me the right to contract under Article 1, Section 10, clause 1.  I meet this one, too. Within the system, “foreign government” to the UNITED STATES is defined as a faction or body at peace with the UNITED STATES, even if not recognized by the UNITED STATES.  I fit this definition, too.

Further, please make it known that other means are available in supporting communication while not harming ecosystems and varieties of lifestreams.  Please allow the proof of harm from these foreign weapons (along with original intention) to be revealed now as one by one, we are voting that it is time.  Lands need to be free of the foreign, harmful 4G towers and the military weapon known as 5G in support of our environment.  The federal government is not what you serve.  You serve living men and we need you to protect us now.  Thank-you, Your Honors.

Sincerely yours,

[:Jane :Jones ©

the end]