Thursday, December 26, 2019

Warning: Baby Steps Lead to the Social-Credit-Prison

          You may think it is benign when asked to rate an employee who has helped you, but this is a baby step that is leading to having every action that you do rated.  Your phone assists the criminals-that-believe-they-be on knowing everything about you through its spyware, so one day, they will rate you and deduct credits or add credits.  This will either allow you enough credits to do a desired thing, or deny you…and those around you may not want to associate with you if your actions….writing a blog about government goings-on, for instance…causes you to have few credits.

            You may think that an app on your phone for Starbucks or to get gas is awesome because you can buy one drink and get one free and get discounted gasoline for your car.  These apps on your phone seem handy and wonderful, because you get connected to so many opportunities that save you money.  But your phone is addictive and it is spyware and soon, authority figures may ask to see your phone for your driver’s license and then they may intrude on your privacy even more without a warrant.

            Is it truly you who gains by having Sky-net in your hand?  If you are a regular, sane bloke, then know that you have no idea where these seemingly innocent baby steps will lead you.

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