Friday, March 17, 2023

Indigenous & Aboriginal Defined


I see the word indigenous differently than most see it.

First, let me establish a foundation for what I am about to say. Most of you are unaware that the acupuncture meridians are in the Etheric body because you’ve never heard of the Etheric by that word. You are familiar with “phantom pain,” right? Some poor fellow has lost his arm but he can feel it aching. That is because his Etheric arm is still there, Etheric scar tissue and all. Qi travels there, but now lacks a physical counterpart.

Long ago, before we were tricked into applying our Free Will to an experiment that became the Genetic 3D human, we had a Physical-ish experience without genes (Implants.) We could fly with thought, etc. There are still some who visit here even now who never chose to incarnate as we have and who are there to support us and have especially supported the tribal groups of old. Tribesman respected them, "fed" them, performed ceremonies around gratitude and more. But most importantly, they were aware of them.

Are you ready? Okay, here goes…

Indigenous means no genes.

Now, please don’t get your knickers in a knot, deciding that I am belittling tribesman. Take a breath and continue reading…stay with me a moment.

I feel the indigenous were Physical-ish Spiritoids known by many names in various cultures. In Cheyenne roots, I feel they were ones who appeared to guide, lead and teach when the Cheyenne, for instance, first incarnated as Genetic humans. Perhaps, before they incarnated, they had an agreement with the indigenous ones to learn spiritual ways and have a “middleman” to support them with communications with other non-physical levels…as many cultures did.

Likewise, in Australia, the aboriginals were not original as the name says, because a equals not. Those without genes were first, the originals, and they were willing to guide the aboriginals. They were like 3.5 dimensional Etheric/Physical-ish beings experiencing a physical-ish point of focus (lifetime) without the genes that came later. (And I am using dimensions strictly for common ground, so that if you see the Astral as 4D, then perhaps it establishes a picture in your mind of levels, though truly, reality was and is far beyond numbers.)

Genes are Implants for control and slavery that Genetic humans may rise above because we all have our Spiritoid/MultiSelf within us. If we have not disconnected ourselves to the point of easily falling under a spell of the controllers, then we may be of a frequency to rise above the Implants and their promptings…We may rise above the genes and be close to what many of us lived before when in more of a 3.5 dimensional existence; part Etheric, part Physical. (Which, by the way, is still a point of focus, a lifetime that we may choose if it suits our plan.)

A Genetic human, such as Neil Diamond, who may not realize when he is in the company of a Physical-ish Spiritoidso may not understand what I’m going on about—could find it worth pause and consideration just the same. In the 1970’s, a knock came to Neil’s door and after the encounter with a stranger, he wrote the score to Jonathan Livingston Seagull. This visitor was an Indigenous one; one without genes/Implants. It was time humanity had this musical score. (Read the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull and see the movie or listen to the album.)

The internet seems to have scrubbed all the references I found when I mentioned this briefly in my book back in 2020, but here is just a look at the word and the secrets it holds for us:

  • ind: to lack AND geno; beget or born. (Noah’s Webster American Dictionary of the English language (1828, no page number in this old book.) Indigenous: lacking being born

When you stand in alignment with the Sound of Self, you can downshift to make your frequency heavier and when your goal has been accomplished, you may make it lighter. This is how a spiritoid can make itself physical-ish and then seemingly disappear into thin air. An average Genetic human has actually experienced a frequency downshift. Think about having something on your mind that has caused great bliss, joy, and excitement within you. Suddenly, something happens: a gift is rejected, you receive bad news, someone scary just showed up, and you deflate. You feel that sinking, slowing down sensation. That’s small scale compared to what a MultiSelf/spiritoid in control of itself can do. (Implants interfere with that but can be overcome.)

It is interesting to note that in many cultures, a Twin story exists where one is more spirit and Power than the other. These stories now are even slightly different in presentation within one tribe, as well as with others. I posit that three thousand years ago (even three hundred years ago before religions infiltrated camps), this story would have been very different. I feel this is the story of the MultiSelf/physical-ish spiritoid and the Genetic human; the indigenous one and the Genetic human. 

Well, thank you for allowing me to express my thought. It’s especially important in this era to look at words. They can control you if you’re not careful.

Now, go anchor the light. Hwa!

Tapėhéveameōhtsėstse! (Dah piv vey yum may yhosts.) Go in a good way now.

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