Friday, June 16, 2023

Control Group POV


Those of us not in the “Trust the science” group did not have an easy time during the C*vid Psychological Operation Era. We lost friends. We were put down. We were locked out and forced out of places where Genetic humans gathered. We lost our jobs for seeking body autonomy and self-determination when we lawfully have a Right to opt-out of experiments or tyranny. (And let’s be clear, the controllers of humanity call what they do to us experiments, because they have words on paper allowing experiments. They knew the outcome before they started long, long ago.) We had to find new friends with whom to socialize since our life-long friends and work mates went into fear mode around us, so refused to be around us. We were blamed for the c*vids when it was tyrants that invented this era. We were surrounded and handled by armed officers while thugs robbed stores and containers. We were the healthy, natural humans that all populations need.

We looked at incredibly intelligent Genetic humans falling for every word that was spoken or written about a thing that was never isolated and proven to be there. Further, these intelligent Genetic humans listened to reports spitted out by computers suggesting three breathing holes be covered for the human’s protection. (Advice from a non-breathing machine that lacked the life-long experience with breathing that the Genetic human knew!) We watched covered-faces operating automobiles and having accidents where no mention was made in the accident reports about the ability of the “driver” to breath and think straight. We have watched the same with the $hotted up also with no mention made in the report if they had the $hot or not. (And if it can be a restaurant manager’s business, it certainly can go into a report!) We watched intelligent Genetic humans accept a PCR swab up their noses without questioning that to have an isolate show up on a test, it needs to exist, yet alone calling a tool a test at all. We warned that perhaps they were delivering something, destroying the blood-brain barrier (along with WiFi and other $hots), taking genetic material (though the PKU and have already seen to that), and are using this PCR as a tool to perpetuate the fraud of c*vid to “deaf ears,” as our warnings were ignored.

I personally understand about $pells, Implants, entity and frequency control and the weapons they use against the Genetic human (WiFi, SMART meters, hardware in $hots and geoengineering to name a few), but enjoy the creativity of those not in the “Trust the science” group. No matter the impulse that manipulated the human into believing the fraud, they appear insane…such as operating an automobile alone, walking alone, cleaning their driveway alone, and gardening alone, but were spotted by someone afar noting the three breathing holes safely tucked away behind a cloth! We are doing more than simply making fun. We are holding up a mirror such as “Look! That ‘virus’ you fear can pass through that fence if an air molecule can.” (And that’s not even discussing the fraud of the “contagious virus.”) We are saying, look do you want the seatbelt when not in a car since you fear other people’s exhale when they’re not in the car?” The thing about fraud is it can be poked fun at for the ridiculousness of it.

This is just one of the Control Group’s opinion: mine. But I am Sound of Mind for I stand in alignment with the Sound of Self and did not comply with tyrants. I have integrity. I warned those who did not know. I watched friends and work mates turn into the successive human as many others became the light-bearer humans. In 2005, I started writing about the opponent to humanity’s shenanigans. I did my part. It’s not over. They want you on the Social Credit System. Having your soul tricked with the imposter ray is not enough for them. If something thinks for you, let us show you how that looks to us. After all, we take your name-calling and have since they started their anti-vaccine/conspiracy theorist campaign when they saw those who stand with Nature.

The alignment I have chosen has made me not to be sick or experience what you call a cold for more years that the C*vid Psychological Operation Era. If you’ve been sick during that same era, there is a chance that there was no contagion to fear, but their protocol. This is one of the Control Group’s POV.

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