I mention in my book Interdimensional Disturbances Access Denied, alien
abductions may be coming from the military/science/government/human/non-human
faction. (So can physical abductions.) Yes, other entities, both human and
otherwise maybe involved in any kind of abduction, but this group HAS TO BE
considered when you’re making your differential diagnosis about natural fires and alien attacks.
I recommend not listening to or watching the screens (computer, hand-held
devices, and TV), because newscasters are $pellcasters and will offer “the
narrative” that you are intended to swallow hook, line, and sinker!
ask questions. Don’t simply believe the $pell that the newscaster ($pellcaster)
is spinning. Search out answers on your own. Don’t allow any catch-phrase such
as “climate change” or “c*vid” to distract you from your mission to discover the
“natural fires,” did the fire burn as a normal fire would? Were inhabitants
supported in every way, including being permitted to take soil samples? Were
officials present that day or had they made themselves scarce beforehand? (Don’t
make excuses, just notice.) Now that lands have been destroyed, is there a
positive for the agents of the government? In other words, who benefits?
“alien attack,” who benefits by your belief in an enemy that’s not your
government, and then further, that is a mysterious, powerful enemy to all Earth?
Will the agents of the government have power over its people now? Is fear being
used as a weapon? If a good guy alien group comes along, is it also the
Military/Science/Government/human/non-human faction? Or is it straight out your
government that beats off the “aliens”? Again, who benefits?
I also mention in my book, an attack is an attack. You may use the same tools
to support yourself out of an attack whether it’s truly an entity (human or
non-human) or more like a hologram or something that is planted in your mind, a subliminal, such as the military flag that has been used in America to incite
it’s population to war.
in alignment with the Sound of Self. Focus on holding a Pinky-rose state of love.
Stop allowing yourself to be Astrally tugged into fear and anger. Rise above
Mental body implants of control, making them obsolete. Know that there are many
lifestreams here already who you ignore. If you want to expand your
understanding, start with what’s right in front of you. You will continue to not
see if you refuse to turn off the newscaster. That’s a choice that will
lead you to fear and to being more easily controlled.
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