Letter to one of our supervisors from a friend...
Hilda, (a big Pharma kingpin experimental injection pusher):
You are a flat out liar and have no authority to issue any “face diaper” wearing on anyone. Mask wearing is an experimental medical procedure. You fail to state the harm of mask wearing. There is no law to wear a mask on public transportation. Even if there were it would be unlawful and unconstitutional. You overstep your authority and commit the color of law - federal offense - among other criminal acts you commit and committed over these past two years. Executive Orders, CDC (non government agency) recommendations etc., mean jack!You are a disgrace to the office that you hold. You are a servant to the people. You are an employee to the people. The people are your boss. You, prefer, have taken on the role of a self-anointed psychopathic dictator.I am not in your jurisdiction, nor am I in the Federal jurisdiction. I am not a US citizen of the United States according to the 14th Amendment of the constitution. I am a National of the United States of America. You will be placed on legal and lawful notice.The person who wrote your newsletter must be sick of your immoral and unethical and illegal and unlawful dictates. Note their use of the word ‘suck’ in your newsletter.As far as your unlawful and immoral injection pushing (drug kingpin for Pharma), you have blood on your hands: 43,898 Dead 4,190,493 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions. https://medicalkidnap.com/2022/04/28/43898-dead-4190493-injured-following-covid-19-vaccines-in-european-database-of-adverse-reactions/
5/29/2022 added
My friend's response..
"I would never ever vote for Hilda the criminal, the self-anointed psychopathic dictator. An elected servant serves the people, the people are her employer, not she dictating over others and coercing others for federal cash drops. She violates the oath of office if she ever took it.
I do and will support her arrest and trial for crimes committed against humanity. She breaks many federal and state crimes - criminal and civil; including overstepping her authority - the color of law.
I will not give any validation to the criminal syndicate organization - Hilda and her fellow gang members sitting as failed county supervisors - servants, but rather self anointed dictators." "She will be placed on notice."
"You have blood on your hands, Hilda!
44,821 Dead 4,351,483 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions
Will forward when VAERs releases their updated less than 1% captured / reported deaths and injury report."
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