Tuesday, August 30, 2022

You Can Stop the Social Credit System


A first step in stopping any tyrannical practice is to notice it. The second is to withdraw your consent and participation. The opponent to mankind uses the same “floorplan” each time, so it may be easy to spot by now. For example, a job may say, “Hey, y’all want to switch over to direct deposit? It’ll be so easy for ya.” And most will. The holdouts will eventually be given a final date to do it, or else.

Your bank may do something similar, “Hey, y’all want to switch over to direct deposit? It’ll be so easy for ya.” And most will. The holdouts will get a warning that if they don’t have direct deposit by this date, then they will be fined unless they have this much in their account.

If you search hard enough, you’ll see this basic script of 1) offer as if it’s a reward and then 2) get heavy-handed. The social credit system was being ingrained in you with each rewards program and each survey you were asked to take. Judging and reporting others will give you more credits. (This is one thing that Draco gets an erection over, too. Draco get-off on any human betraying another for their benefit.)

Starbucks was training its “slaves to the cup” right from the beginning through simply the logo, which is a rabbit’s hole that includes a mermaid with a split fin as if legs are apart. (Goes way back and it’s crude.) Anyway, they moved on to giving a rewards plan if you got the App; if you signed up and used your phone or a card. They have so many slaves to this system that now they can go for the jugular: no cash.

If I was already the common law kick-ass I one day will be (which includes learning all the legalese of the de facto officials and their Draco counterparts), I would take them to court over this if they didn’t at least accept gold or silver. I’d make a point of going there just for this.

All I can do is ask you to please not patron any cashless place, such as the ABBA museum in Sweden or Starbucks anywhere (when they go cashless). Consider a landline, writing letters and going for more privacy with your communications.

The successive human has been $hotted up with the imposter ray, which includes AI (artificial intelligence, alien intelligence, awful individual’s control). This means when this individual goes on the social credit system, it can be completely controlled and toyed with. The best example is that now that this successive human chose to support cashless places and doesn’t know how to grow or catch food, this one has to go into a store. By now, this person is as a cell phone and if it has enough social credits, it may enter. If it just thought about protesting against this system last night, it would have lost credits. Someone is approaching and this one thinks, Perhaps, this one will buy some food for me. If this one does think of this, they will lose credits and now will not be able to enter.

If you have become the successive human, you are a robot to them. This is partly why the opponent to mankind has you confused over pronouns. They may look at you as an it. To them, you are not of mankind. You are their plaything. Are you going to stop moving toward becoming the cell phone and the social credit system, or are you going to finally shout, “Enough is enough!”?

Withdraw your consent and participation to stop the social credit system from taking over. Because you can.


Everyone the world over, start using cash there now. 


The "protecting" part has always been a lie with their (the opponent to mankind's) policy-making.


Ditch the phone. It is training you for your imprisonment.


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