Friday, July 7, 2023

Democrats Who Broke from Their Administration

I’m aware that Robert Kennedy, Jr. is running for president and that he isn’t so Woke and pro-bioweapons as his Party. There are two other instances of which I’m aware when Democrats went against their party: Stephan Douglas not for the Kansas Lecompton (pro-slavery) Constitution and Andrew Jackson, not pro-transactions in paper for land deals, but wanting gold and silver.  Jackson succeeded until he was no longer president. Democrats Nathanial Tallmadge and William Rives opposed Jackson’s specie circular and wanted paper (not property) for land deals. I side with Jackson only in being pro-gold and silver and other property (the substance of common law), and for a moment, Jackson got his way. Kansas entered the union under the other constitution as a free-state. Douglas got his way.

From what I can see with a rogue Democrat against his party, the score is 1 to 1, because Jackson’s specie circular got taken away and discharging debt with paper and more bankster tyranny has occurred here. And, Kansas still is a free-state according to its definition as Douglas wanted.

I hold in consciousness that a “for Natural health” candidate may successfully take on Big Pharma, the banksters, the Woke, and the lot of them and survive. I hope RFK, Jr. will have success even though the opponent to humanity might be making certain they place Gavin Newsom as VP on a ticket with Biden so they can push Biden aside and have pure evil right where they want it.

Energy is what can support positive actions within any Office. We can connect Pinky-rose within us with candidates and ensure a Space of Love to support positive change. You are a frequency. Your actions are permission. Is what they want for you acceptable, or are you going to have some say?

Yes, I realize there’s one coin with two sides, but lately attacking humans has so obviously been the agenda of the Democratic Woke party. RFK, Jr. can possibly ground a little light and sanity into a very nasty party. It’s nice when Democrats break from their administration.;cc=wiarchives;view=text;rgn=main;didno=uw-whs-wis000at

“Many Americans blamed Andrew Jackson’s specie circular for the financial collapse. Jackson issued this order in 1836, requiring payment in gold or silver for all western land sales. Jackson’s purpose was to drive paper money out of circulation, and now bankers and politicians urged Van Buren to repeal the circular and encourage the flow of paper credit. Democrats including William C. Rives (1793-1868) and Nathaniel P. Tallmadge warned Van Buren that if he retained Jackson’s specie circular that he would become so unpopular in the U.S. that he could potentially lose votes in the South and the West.”


A friend told me that a psychic on Coast to Coast said that Gavin Newsom will be president not by election. 

I said to my friend that means maybe he’s going to try and get on the ticket as vice president and then they'll do something to Biden, and then they just put him in. It feels like it could be true. It feels like they could be having this as a plan. But I don't know how anyone in their right mind could even think that Biden is in his right mind. And she reminded me that other group is like that. It doesn’t matter what Biden’s like they just don't want Trump. 

So, we will see. But G*vin Newsom is definitely evil enough. He’s a tyrant enough and he’s a puppet enough. We can ground light and make change. Tyrants can’t remain if the frequency doesn’t support them.





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