Friday, October 21, 2022

Human Prey


Coronavirus is not infectious. It is natural. It occurs when a cell has sought balance and is the byproduct, the history of that event.

SARS was made in a lab, most likely from “coronaviruses” of animals who were tortured. The COVID (gain of function) in 2019 would have been SARS, HIV (made in a lab) and MERS (made in a lab) placed in a Flu $hot and then 4G, 5G…constant Wi-Fi…would have helped some to become sick. Plus add the rest of what “covid” was…humans informing the public that a scary “virus” was going to get them…plus add doctors allowing themselves to be “strong-armed” and writing “covid” for a diagnosis because they sold their souls, plus all the shutting down of those speaking the truth…and walla…covid!

I even posted a screenshot of my Merck's Manual defining coronavirus as the common cold and people ignored me. (But then, they were programmed to believe “common cold” meant contagion…)

The imposter ray is what will turn the Genetic human into the successive human, because the human will no longer find it easy to stand in alignment with the Sound of Self. Innately, they will be under the impression they are in communication with their Monadic Ray and Causal body, but will be in communication and under the direction of AI (artificial intelligence, alien intelligence and awful individuals).

Unfortunately, if consumers didn’t investigate a product, nor the group promoting it, and ignored individuals warning them about it, they used their Free Will against themselves by inviting an injection of biowarfare. Perhaps warning signs should have been in place prior to having "rolled up the ole sleeve" so these humans could hold agents & entities accountable for trespassing. But, if no signs were up prior, no contract set up along with a warning, these humans left themselves open for attack by an opponent far more intelligent than their own little selves. Oh, well.

Wi-Fi went global along with many vaccines being on the CDC schedules. I was terribly concerned the first time I saw Wi-Fi at a beach. This ensured a weakened blood-brain barrier. Enter PCR tool being shoved up the nose. Enter the toxine with its imposter ray.

The Genetic human needs to increase his and her frequency. This warfare doesn’t reach one of higher frequency. The light-bearer human will be fine. The successive humans, on the other hand, will not be able to easily free themselves from the attack and it will follow them upon so-called death. We are here to assist them, but they couldn’t hear us back when glyphosate and atrazine were tools of humanity's opponents. How will they hear us from the Causal level as we reach "down" to them? (Part of this attack is an implant in the Mental body. Part is an Astral level attack. Both already made it challenging for humans not holding a lot of light to understand us from the Physical level.) 

Anytime you hear about a SMART appliance, even if it's technology injected into humans, remember the military/science/government/human/non-human faction that is in charge of the attack on humanity. Remember:






But their attack is not simply technology. It's technology delivered in a $hot. It's Big Pharma in general. I don’t recommend that you use anything from Big Pharma, Ivermectin amongst them. Samuel Thomson's (1822) book and Dr. Christopher now, and so many others have products and foods to support health. Please don’t be conned by Big Pharma and the “learned” doctors. Learn about law. Learn about Pinky-rose and how to command a Space of Love from officials and others. Learn about Violet Cubes of Light and other defenses to use in response to EMF emissions and geoengineering.

Recall that the pig was tweaked from a human and that opponents to humanity have not stopped tweaking humans yet. Why should they? Humans are easy prey.

If humanity doesn’t pass this test, I am not sure they deserve to survive. Mankind has been here supporting them for so dang long! They consistently fall for the lies. If they can’t stop themselves from being tweaked in this lab, then perhaps that is their destiny.

Should they ever desire to stop behaving as human prey, well, liberty is a thought away. Péveameohtse! (Peh vey yum may oats): Go in a good way.

Now, go. Anchor the light. Hwa!

A link cited in my book roughly 40:00.

Knowing Law is defense.

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