–The Universe is a Green Dragon by Brian Swimme, PhD
According to Donna Carey and Marjorie de Muynck, “There’s no place like Ohm.” These two healers and authors have combined Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with sound and the mysteries of the universe in their healing art form called, Acutonics®. Acutonics® is so much more than acupuncture with tuning forks instead of needles. Its creators blended their diverse backgrounds and knowledge to manifest this far- reaching form of sound healing.
Acutonics® : There’s No Place Like Om describes Dr. Carey (PhD, LAc) as a “self-taught musician, writer, and poet, who heard the Music of the Spheres (Astral/physical music that physically deaf composers probably can hear) when she had a near death experience in the 1980s.” As with the Music of the Spheres, the celestial sounds from the Acutonics® forks can be experienced with the whole body.
Ms. de Muynck (MA, LMP), has been a “musician, composer, and healer” for over forty years and an oriental-style body worker for over twenty years. She has heard the cosmic tones since her childhood, and now they can be heard on the Acutonics® forks.
Acutonics® has a far reaching professional audience and may be employed by “acupuncturists, massage therapists, naturopaths, chiropractors, psychotherapists, music therapists, energy workers, and other healers,” as stated in their book’s introduction. Fortunately, lay people may support their own body’s wellness during their personal symptoms by receiving training and instruction from an Acutonics® practitioner. Although a person is more likely to relax more fully during a session performed by a practitioner, self-treatment involves a person in his or her own health on a very immediate level. Did Acutonics® start in the 1980s with two women embracing music and later bringing it to the treatment room? In their research Carey and de Muynck uncovered many before them who had laid the ground work from which Acutonics® grew. Hermes Trismegistus, of Hermetic principle fame and who has also been credited as the inventor of hieroglyphic writing, is thought to have authored forty-two books. According to the authors of Acutonics® , one of these books “contains keys on how to use music to bring cosmic energy and tones to the earth plane to transform humanity.” Planets and planetoids’ cosmic energy can be heard and felt through the planet tuning forks. As Hermes predicted, “As above, so below.”
More recently, Johannes Kepler, a well known mathematician, scientist, and Pythagorean researcher, discovered the laws of nature and the laws that “govern planetary motion.” He also figured out that the planets travel on an elliptical pathway. Hans Cousto, a twentieth century mathematician, raised his eyes to the Cosmos in curiosity, and “translated the planetary velocities into musical tone.” He took Kepler’s mathematical description of the planetary orbits and translated them into music. In Acutonics® , the orbital tones are placed in individual tuning forks.
Cary and de Muynck pioneered taking this music even further by addressing the cosmic interval, which is the silence in the sound. Cary and de Muynck state, “Silence is the sacred space between the given sound and the resultant vibration.” The frequency range of the forks is 50 hertz (Hz) to 550 Hz, and a musical interval occurs when the different forks are used in certain combinations with each other. As a result, tonification, releasing, opening, and moving of energies (qi) is possible.
Ohm is a very real sound and vibration of nature and has an important role in the forks. Often, it is one of the forks used along with any other(s). An Acutonics® treatment can make a person feel as though they have been transformed. When the forks are placed on acupoints or waved over the body, a person will believe and concur that “there’s no place like Ohm.”
For more information, please visit AuthenticSelf Acupuncture & Beyond facebook page and/or visit http://www.acutonics.com/.
In my experience, Acutonics can have both subtle and profound effects on the body and mind, and in a person's life. At the very least, a treatment will result in feeling relaxed, centered, and peaceful.
ReplyDeleteMarie B.