If you want to send in your affidavit prior to sending
it in with your passport, you may make a cover letter and affidavit such as
the following, but there are many ways to approach the citizenship evidence.
Secretary of State Blinken
Department of State
2201 C St NW,
Washington, DC 20520
Dear Mr. Blinken,
I am submitting my status change to
US National. Please securely place the
citizenship evidence, my affidavit, permanently in my administrative file. Thank you.
Sincerely Yours,
Passport #
Expiration Date:
(This is especially if you are about to travel and need your passport so can't turn it in, yet. The green card with certified mail will come back to you. You can travel with a copy of affidavit and that green card with your passport. You also can send out copies of your affidavit to the attorney general of your state, the sheriff, and the police of your city before you leave. Yes, there are brave people out there traveling internationally without having taken that $hot and I feel being a national will add a measure of safety to the adventure, but only experience will tell.)
On separate paper...
At the top
(Choose the language that resonates with you in your Citizenship Evidence.)
I, (legal name as on passport), being duly sworn,
hereby declare as sui jurist, as living-soul my intention to be a national of the United
States of America, not a citizen of the UNITED STATES, the District of
Columbia and its territories under the scope and purview of the Fourteenth
L Thumb
R Thumb
(At least two witnesses.)
Citizenship Evidence
I, (legal name as on passport), being duly sworn under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America, hereby declare as sui juris, as living-soul, as a moral-being, my intention, desire, and declaration to be a National of the United States of America with God-given Constitutionally protected Rights and not a citizen of the UNITED STATES in the condition of voluntary servitude with civil rights under the scope and purview of the Fourteenth Amendment.
L Thumb R Thum
Citizenship Evidence
I, (legal name as on passport), being duly sworn under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America, hereby declare as sui juris, as living-soul, a moral-being, my intention, desire, and declaration to be a National of the United States of America with Constitutionally protected Natural Rights, not a citizen of the UNITED STATES under the scope and purview of the Fourteenth Amendment.
L Thumb R Thum
Some feel that because the Bible warns against swearing oaths, they want to leave that
“We, (legal names as on passport), mother and father of
(name of offspring), under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United
States of America, hereby declare our issue, (name of offspring), as sui juris,
as living-soul, a national of the United States of America with God-given
Constitutionally protected Rights and not a citizen of the UNITED STATES in the
condition of voluntary servitude with civil rights under the scope and purview
of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
“We, (legal names as
on passport), mother and father of (name of offspring), being duly sworn under
penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America, hereby
declare our issue, (name of offspring), as sui juris, as living-soul, a
national of the United States of America with Constitutionally protected Natural
Rights and not a citizen of the UNITED STATES in the condition of voluntary
servitude with civil rights under the scope and purview of the Fourteenth
From Tim & Harvey:
Re: Citizenship Evidence affidavit
I, (name), under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States of America hereby clarify my personal status. Because of deceptive terminology and concealment of the legal meaning of “citizen of the United States” and “U.S. Citizen,” I have in years past acquiesced to being classified as such. However, that is a condition of voluntary servitude, granting only “civil rights” under the scope and purview of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.
My status is that of a United States National with all the God-given rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I am furnishing this Affidavit as evidence of my status, so that you are properly apprised and can appropriately correct your records.
Passport # @@##&&**

Though I discovered
about the servitude of being a U.S. citizen about thirty years ago, since 2018,
I have been searching this topic deeper. Because of this, I discovered
the Judicial District and am now able to send post without a stamp—both packages
and letters.
There are actions
that are not permitted against you if you are living man and not the “dead”
U.S. citizen. It is your choice. Do you want bondage, or have you had enough? I go so far as to hold the military/science/government/human/non-human
faction accountable if their bioweapons transmit from an injected person to
me. Where do you draw your line in the
"As defined by the INA, all U.S citizens are nationals."https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/travel-legal-considerations/us-citizenship/Certificates-Non-Citizen-Nationality.html
In the beginning of this clip, Roger reads the U.S. passport to you.
Other thoughts:
Ingri at this site may sell the 16th edition. https://humbleweed.net/
New Post:
4/2/22 added Patrick Devine. If you are new, please continue to August posts and on and come back. This will be too confusing, otherwise. Here, Patrick gets a National passport with a DS 5504, because he did not know about the affidavit. This discussion is on getting in and getting funds from your buried postal account. After you prove the truth of it to yourself, the next step is the goal all along: the next money order is for the full amount. On a memo, you write "Closure of this postal account." Now, you are out. Now, you don't have a driver's lic number, registered home or automobile, and you are not registered to vote...now all of that becomes real. Until you close this account, your registration and contract with "them" though buried is still there! Remove the bond that supports your past contracts: driver's lic and registrations of any kind. This is the missing steps from all teachings. You do this and the military/science/government/human/non-human faction (black helicopters) will come visiting. Be certain to have protection first.
"Sec. 32. And be it further enacted, That no summons, writ, declaration, return, process, judgment, or other proceedings in civil causes in any of the courts of the United States,Writs shall not abate for defect of form. shall be abated, arrested, quashed or reversed, for any defect or want of form, but the said courts respectively shall proceed and give judgment according as the right of the cause and matter in law shall appear unto them, without regarding any imperfections, defects, or want of form in such writ, declaration, or other pleading, return, process, judgment, or course of proceeding whatsoever, exceptExceptions. those only in cases of demurrer, which the party demurring shall specially sit down and express together with his demurrer as the cause thereof. And the said courtsCourts may amend imperfections. respectively shall and may, by virtue of this act, from time to time, amend all and every such imperfections, defects and wants of form, other than those only which the party demurring shall express as aforesaid, and may at any time permit either of the parties to amend any defect in the process or pleadings, upon such conditions as the said courts respectively shall in their discretion, and by their rules prescribe.[48]"
48: "The 32d section of the act of 1789, allowing amendments, is sufficiently comprehensive to embrace causes of appellate as well as original jurisdiction; and there is nothing in the nature of an appellate jurisdiction, proceeding according to the common law, which forbids the granting of amendments. 1 Gallis. C. C. R. 22.
If the amendment is made in the Circuit Court, the cause is heard and adjudicated in that court, and upon appeal by the Supreme Court on the new allegation. But if the amendment is allowed by the Supreme Court, the cause is remanded to the Circuit Court, with directions to allow the amendment to be made. The Mariana Flora, 11 Wheat. 1; 6 Cond. Rep. 201.
By the provisions of the act of Congress, variance which is merely matter of form may be amended at any time. Scull v. Biddle, 2 Wash. C. C. R. 200. See Smith v. Jackson, 1 Paine’s C. C. R. 486. Ex parte Bradstreet, 7 Peters, 634. Randolph v. Barrett, 16 Peters, 136. Hozey v. Buchanan, 18 Peters, 215. Woodward v. Brown, 13 Peters,."
Note: Patrick Devine interprets Statutes at Large, Vol. 1, Session 1, Chapter 20, Section 32 that "The court has to accept any items that are presented to them." For me, this is important for the Presumptive Notices I intend to file in a physical court.
Patrick mentions HRJ 192. I found this:
"Then, in 1933, and with HJR192, they took all the Gold, all the true money, all the property (and instituted eminent domain and property taxes/divided land titles), and instituted the income tax to control the labor of the people. In addition, with HJR 192 is when they instituted the Birth Certificates to control the people and have the future American people become the collateral for all the federal governments debts. Yes…that’s right – your birth certificate is the TITLE to your body and it has been pledged as an asset. The holder has the right to the taxes and fines, fees, etc that you pay to the government through judgments, court cases, payroll, income taxes, property taxes, etc."
4/4/2022 added https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1101
"28 U.S. Code § 1746 -
Unsworn declarations under penalty of perjury
Wherever, under any law of
the United States or under any rule, regulation, order, or requirement made
pursuant to law, any matter is required or permitted to be supported,
evidenced, established, or proved by the sworn declaration, verification,
certificate, statement, oath, or affidavit, in writing of the person making the
same (other than a deposition, or an oath of office, or an oath required to be
taken before a specified official other than a notary public), such matter may,
with like force and effect, be supported, evidenced, established, or proved by
the unsworn declaration, certificate, verification, or statement, in writing of
such person which is subscribed by him, as true under penalty of perjury, and
dated, in substantially the following form:
If executed without the United States: ‘I
declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws
of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on (date).
If executed within the United States, its
territories, possessions, or commonwealths: ‘I declare (or certify, verify, or
state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on (date).
1) is US National
2) US Citizen
8/17/21 added me on radio... https://castbox.fm/episode/Radio-Ranch-8.17.21-id1463869-id415139491?country=us
8/18/21 added
8/19/21 added
8/26/21 added
Becoming a national is not the same as cutting yourself off from being a United States American in any way. It is switching your status from being a citizen to being a national. It's worth investigating.
Listen to this on 1.5 until there is info that appeals to you related to being a national. Then, slow it down.
If you are a US citizen, then you are a US national, it's just that they identify you as a citizen. You have to ask to be identified as the national if that's what you want.
Look at your passport.
You can't be both a US citizen and a US national in their eyes. It's like my letters that I send. If I put a stamp on it and address it the District of Columbia way, the slave way, it's staying in the United States, the citizenry, the District of Columbia, the de facto government that was placed over the natural government.
If I send it with my signature and address it differently, I am going through the Judicial District. You can only have both feet in one district at a time. What they're doing is letting you know that you can choose.
If you have questions for Roger Sayles, M-Th, 8AM to 10 Pacific. No video on. Unmute when you have a question. Say you're new. He loves new people. All learn from your questions.
This is how they treat their citizen slaves.
You see, Facebook keeps putting me in "jail" because they tell me that I am lying to you and that I am not following community standards. But they are the ones who lied about covid-19 and all along it was a certificate of vaccination identification artificial intelligence (19/digital).
I had two weeks left on two simultaneous "jail terms" when I was thrown in for a third. Enough is enough. I have a letter ready, but complained on FB directly. I shot them this:
"As a national, I am a non-resident to the residency and alien
to the citizenship of the Fourteenth Amendment.
I am writing to you as living man demanding that you stop harassing me
with Fact Checkers and informing me that my posts do not meet 'community
standards.' I have freedom of speech as
a national. Please restore my account."
Let's see if the national has Power.
Just sent the letter:
8/31/21 added
Good info on how to handle officials.
9/1/21 added...Become a national. Australia has to have an equivilent to being recognized as living man of Terra Australia.
9/3/21 added
[If you are a national, you do not have to register for the draft. This is especially important for those girls and boys who are not soldiers. Wherever registration happens, you send in your affidavit and put them on notice.]
9/5/21 added What some are doing in Australia
9/6/21 added
9/9/21 added
9/13/21 added Support Roger who supports us and our liberty.
9/21/21 Added
9/24/21 added (The first thing I heard with Roger.)
9/27/21 added
Control Group QR code ID
Unlike pharma companies, we have a control group that we took it upon ourselves to do. When it was left to them, no group happened. Our data is a testimony to how we fare against those who have the shot and have problems.
11/3/21 added (A public official can be held personally liable)
11/7/21 added (I met Ryan on Friday. While listening to him I had an epiphany and saw very clearly about the artificial world and the true liberated status. I have not heard his show, but do recommend it. It's on Sundays 1-3 Pacific.)
11/8/21 added (Being a national worked for me)
11/18/21 added
A US passport as a national exists.
11/20/21 added
Become a National for protection from the agents of the government.
11/20/21 added
If you are interested in
becoming a US National, be certain you are responsible for your own actions and
do not play the “blame game.” If victimhood
is how you conduct yourself, then this is not for you.
Be certain that you understand
that there is so much that we do not understand about being a national and that
many occurrences that pop up feel like uncharted territory. Understand that our enslavers are totally
cunning and nasty and loathe us; therefore, freeing ourselves from them may
leave a claw scratch down our backs on our way out.
Here are some further points to
1) You may
send your “Citizenship Evidence” to the Secretary of State with or without a
passport application. I recommend at the
very least getting a passport card because it may get scanned in the Pass
System and may inform authority figures to leave you alone.
2) You
apparently cannot run for Senator if you are a national.
3) You can
no longer vote; however, you may elect someone by speaking to the authority on
hand at a voting booth. But good luck
with that because most citizens know nothing about nationals and may not know
how to assist you.
4) You can
no longer step into the defacto courts, yet citizens may not understand that—which
may make a lot of a struggle to you.
When I received a jury summons, I wrote no to US Citizen and wrote US
National in the line below. I crossed out
resident and wrote in “dweller.” I
explained below that I am a US National not within federal jurisdiction. (I also do not see slaves as my peers but am
happy to serve in a common law capacity in some fashion.) I have not heard back, yet.
5) If you
choose to not pay taxes, it is on you to research that and to be confident in
your actions yourself. Again, if you are
into helpless victimhood, please do not give us a bad name by becoming a
6) If you
choose to not register your car or your children’s births, please research both
thoroughly and do not do it if you do not feel confident in your actions. Again, whoever your teachers are, do not
blame them if you “get into trouble.”
7) If you
choose to not get a license to drive or to practice some skill, do not blame
anyone if you get into trouble. Know why
you do a thing and do not do a thing. Do not blame another.
8) Get your
affidavit signed by two non-relatives or a notary.
9) Make
copies of your affidavit.
Having said all of that, here is
an idea for an affidavit that you may use.
Again, research for yourself and choose what feels right to you. If there is anything you do not understand,
do not become a national until you do!
(If you want to use your first,
middle and last names, that is fine.)
of Citizenship Evidence
"I, (first name last name), being duly
sworn, hereby declare my intention to be a national of the United States of
America but not a citizen of the federal UNITED STATES under the scope and
purview of the 14th Amendment.”
After you send the affidavit
in, send copies with a letter to several authority figures. Please see cast box radio ranch for past
shows or listen live on Jitsi with questions for Roger.
11/24/21 added
11/29/21 added Look. They have it all in plain site. Look for the definition to minor:
"Minor means an individual under the age of 18 years. The term minor is also used to refer to an individual who has attained the age of 18 years but has not yet taken control of the securities contained in his or her minor account."
When you take control of the securities, you are outside their system.
12/03/21 added
12/06/21 added (For your investigation.)
12/15/21 added
12/16/21 added
12/30/21 added
1/2/22 added
1/4/22 added
This is one example:
of Citizenship Evidence
"I, (first name, last name), being duly
sworn, hereby declare my intention to be a national of the United States of
America but not a citizen of the federal UNITED STATES under the scope and
purview of the 14th Amendment.”
1/5/2022 added (I have not read, yet.)
Your credit makes everything prepaid. (This is what humans and nonhumans tap into here and take off-world. Credit is currency/energy/food. They harvest you for it. We are that human resource. Well, you can tap into it.)
1/6/22 added
1/9/22 added The rabit hole is so deep, that there are many places to start when tapping into that credit.
1/13/22 added (on customs for us all)
(Credit 1099's: Credit. Prepaid. We the People. Trust Account. Assets in that Trust Account. We are part of the central Bank of America.)
See what you think
1/15/22 added (property taxes)
(Not certain if a "patriot" is defined as citizen or national)
1/19/22 added
1/26/22 added (A friend marked citizen with pen long ago. Now, he sees the official form.)
1/29/22 added (A gem)
2/4/22 added (This is very good)
The following is from some kind of ad. I post it to show "reverse speak." If a bill were to show negative #'s, you would use your reserve notes to bring it up to 0. Pre-paid is when you use your securities to "cancel the debt" as in it's a positive #, so have your credit, not reserve notes paying.
2/10/22 added
A friend travelled internationally and has not been toxinated. A computer question asked, "Have you had the $hot?
He answered No.
A menu of about 6 choices came up such as Suffer Allergies, Have had adverse reaction. (No, there was no choice such as I refuse AI-artificial intelligence, alien intelligence, awful individual's tech.)
The last option is what is telling...
US National.
You can opt out of this shot if you are a US National because you are not a slave under the 14th Amendment. Now, your job may not care, but international travel may be a different story. Still be smart though. During this war, do you really want to travel outside the land where you are taking a stand right now?
2/17/22 added
2/21/22 added
Here's an affidavit that Roger Sayles recommends. I personally would not put my SS# on there. I would prefer many witnesses with red ink thumb prints rather than a notary, even though mine had a notary.
" I _____ being duly sworn, under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States of America hereby declare my intention and desire to be a national, with God given Constitutionally protected Rights and not a "citizen of the United States", in a condition of voluntary servitude with civil rights, under the scope and purview of the 14th Amendment.
As a national I am 'non resident' to the residency and 'alien' to the condition of 'voluntary servitude' of the 14th Amendment. National status is deceptively identified at 26 C.F.R. 1.1-1(a) as a 'non resident alien'.
________________________ ––––––––––––––––––––––––––
_________________________ _____________________________
2/24/22 added
Refusal of Cause
Allotment added 3/5/22
3/6/22 added
Added 3/13/22
Cop pulls you oveover...
From Freedom Unchained.
The "Right to Travel" is a Constitutional Right held up by the Supreme Court many Dozens of times. Millions of people are starting to wake up and learn their Constitution Protect God-Given Rights like Right to Travel and what the turn limit of the government set down by the Trust of the Constitution. Download the documents below if you wish to practice your Right to Travel
Fundamental Understanding Right to Travel
Foundation of Understand Your Right at Common Law and Right to Travel
"Right to Travel" Documents for your "Automobile"
Rick Martin Constitutional Law Group
Welcome to Freedom Unchained! We are living in a time where the Truth can't be Stopped! This Channel hopes to shine light on that Truth about Law, Government Lies and Corruption, Correct Meaning of Words, and Hope one should me a (wo)man.
3/16/2022 added
Letting Driver's License Go
3/17/2022 added
3/18/2022 added (You can sue officials personally)
3/22/22 added
Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution says that the State cannot force you to contract with anyone or thing. "No state shall...pass any Bill of Attainer, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the
Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility." (Emphasis mine.) This means if you are a traveler, not a driver, you cannot be forced into the contract of the driver's license, car insurance, and car registration. But please do not live as liberated man until you understand what you are doing and what your opponent is. (And as far as I am concerned, agents of the government cannot compel me to move to a Fema Camp because that too would be forcing me into a contract.)
Ex post facto Law is words on paper after the fact. So it was not a crime when you did it, but is now that you've done it and you're on trial for it.
It is not a crime to not have a driver's lic, registered car or car insurance if you are a traveler operating an automobile. This is omitting to have something...an omission. For a crime, you need an Act and Intent, which are commissions.
“(1) A certificate of the Secretary of State that such individual
is a national of the United States; and”
In this, the word “national” is describing a person from the US
who has been representing the US overseas (or in a foreign country. It’s an
employee of Uncle Sam.