Monday, October 17, 2022

The Opponent to Humanity is Testing Their Effectiveness

It seems like disclosure when the opponent to humanity comes out and admits (on their usual threads of propaganda) that a product doesn’t do what their target, the humans, think it does. (Please notice that they haven’t told you there is no isolate and; therefore, nothing to transmit, yet alone to stop transmitting.) This is simply a test. Since they came out and announced this (see links below), I have not had past friends who “unfriended” me on FB come back with apologies at calling me names such as “Conspiracy Theorist” for warning them not to have this $hot. My friends who are under the spell of “Cover this nostril, that nostril and that mouth simultaneously or you’ll make others sick” are still ignoring me, despite my efforts to place myself under their noses. The opponent to humanity is testing them to see how effective their program has been so far. Mankind hold in consciousness that the humans will be more riled up compared to when their favorite football team either loses or wins, but no such luck. Crickets. The opponent sees that they can move forward with the next phase, because they see their programs have been effective.

Their next phase will be mockery. (As if this whole c*vid era wasn’t!) It will be such blatant “Dah, we have you under our control,” yet the humans won’t see it. They’ll be Astrally tugged into fear again and programmed through their Mental bodies once more, but with less effort. Humanity is failing this “reveal.” In that behavior, they are giving their permission for more abuse. Mankind is preparing with mental imagery to hold the Space of Love, to make it clear that we are in alignment with the Sound of Self. Some representatives of mankind are educating themselves to hold tyrant officials accountable using their own silly words on paper against them. Others are holding the opponent to humanity accountable in non-physical courts. So much action is occurring behind the scenes. Meanwhile, the sheep are being led to their slaughter.

While the opponent is testing their effectiveness against humanity, are you actively taking a stand and grounding light, eating popcorn and observing the “battle,” or covering your face and rolling up your sleeve for the fifth weapon? And if you are rolling up your sleeve after they have admitted that these $hots don’t stop the “transmission,” and you have allowed yourself to be impulsed to fear, then can you attempt to stand outside of yourself long enough to recognize that you are under another’s control? No? Ok. “Well, may the odds be ever in your favor.”

And, humans, let me spell it out to you. “It doesn’t stop the transmission” or "We haven't tested it to see if it stops the transmission" translates to “This does cause transmission.” You have this $hot, you are a transmitter of a weapon. (Mankind is not worried because rising above implants and attacks is the specialty of one in alignment with the Sound of Self.) Further, when the opponent to humanity boasts that a $hot is effective, they are bragging that they effectively transfer to the human that which they intend. See 13.1 of most inserts to realize the opponent to humanity has been injecting cancer-causing agents, infertility agents, and DNA altering agents for decades...and informing you about it!

One more thing. The Fake Checkers can’t leave this alone, but can’t flash that I’m missing information in my post as they usually do, because the information that is missing is related to what The They are not telling you. Further, towers and antennas are responsible for further dis-easement here in the human's experience. Also, there are natural cycles with everything. They want you to look where they want your attention, not at what they are doing to you.

…Now go, anchor the light! Hwa!

PĂ©veameohtse! (Go in a good way): Peh vey yum may oats 

For information on attacks on the human and defense against those attacks, please read my book.

Jump to 2:30 for the start...

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