Saturday, October 9, 2021

My Remedy for Local Tyranny

I am biting at the bit!  I want to get out there in “You better have allowed the agents of the government to fool you (and fear you) into allowing a dangerous pharmaceutical to be injected into you” land!  I already have put my city and state officials on notice.  I have a passport card that shows my status, and according to, I am an ambassador!  Note that D, diplomatic, means international.  As a US National, I am foreign to the words on paper of control over slave citizens.  (And by now, even to those who heavily believed the Wag the Dog Psy-op of 2020-2021, you can see it is the citizens who are being targeted.) The problem with getting out there to test my theory that I can cross a line without a vax passport card is that yesterday, I tried to find an officer of the law to read my card with a computer in their cars and could find no-one admitting to understanding my plight.

Well, being the “out of the box” thinker I am, I devised a plan.  I may travel anywhere freely with a copy of the affidavit I send to Blinken and a copy of the definitions of the last two numbers of my passport card.

Following is a link to the definitions and three letters I posted today as living man, private at that, with my signature, which I am certain makes my letters as the court after my signature gets cancelled.  (You know, your stamp gets “cancelled” when you send it.)

Attorney General Bonta

CA Department of Justice

PO Box 944255

Sacramento, CA 94244-2550


Dear Attorney General Bonta,

As a national, I am alien to the citizenship of the Fourteenth Amendment.  If LA County Supervisors insist on having certificate of vaccination identification and mask-wearing persisting in our community—despite patient autonomy and self-determination—I request that they have a “Pass System” machine (that can read passport cards) readily available so that US Nationals may be identified and exempted.  These machines need to be at all restaurants, concert venues, gas stations and any place they request the “vaccination passport” (or faces to be covered) in order for liberated humans to enter.  If worker-humans are checking a paper with a “vaccination” status on it, then those people need to be informed that our copy of our affidavit (on file with the Secretary of State) and a copy of the document (which interprets the status mentioned on the passport card) are acceptable as proof of being a national and; therefore, demonstrates the bearer is outside the jurisdiction of the certificate of vaccination identification and mask-wearing requirements.  Without this, they are discriminating against US Nationals and ignoring our Constitutionally protected Rights.

If educating workers is neglected and if Pass System reading machines are not present, a strain will be placed on police since we will have to constantly call them in order to use the machines in their cars or to have them verify the validity of our documents.  Further, if police refuse to read the cards, and if worker-humans refuse to allow bare-faced purebloods to travel inside or outside an establishment where those who have allowed a pharmaceutical to be injected or those who cover their faces are permitted to go, then many lawsuits of discrimination may follow.  LA County supervisors and other agents of government will also be named for not providing a way of recognition for those not participating in the tyrannical-words-on-paper they have set in motion.  (After all, if it is not voluntary, it is tyranny.)

I have posted this physical letter to all LA County Supervisors.  An e-mail was sent to Supervisor Mitchell that was copied to Mr. Blinken, the Secretary of State, for my administrative file in the Department of State.

Under Constitutionally protected Rights, I can shop and function freely on this land.  Please place this letter in my administrative file.  Thank-you. 


Here is a link on yesterday’s experiences of navigating my way out of the Matrix.

A US National starter kit for those who do not require parenting only!


2nd letter

Supervisor Hilda Solis, First District

500 W. Temple Street

Los Angeles, C A 90012



Dear Supervisor Solis,

I patron places in your district.  As a national, I am alien to the citizenship of the Fourteenth Amendment.  If you insist on having certificate of vaccination identification and mask-wearing persisting in our community—despite patient autonomy and self-determination—I request that you have a “Pass System” machine (that can read passport cards) readily available so that US Nationals may be identified and exempted.  These machines need to be at all restaurants, concert venues, gas stations and any place you request the “vaccination passport” (or faces to be covered) in order for liberated humans to enter.  If worker-humans are checking a paper with a “vaccination” status on it, then those people need to be informed that our copy of our affidavit (on file with the Secretary of State) and a copy of the document (which interprets the status mentioned on the passport card) are acceptable as proof of being a national and; therefore, demonstrates the bearer is outside the jurisdiction of the certificate of vaccination identification and mask-wearing requirements.  Without this, you are discriminating against US Nationals and ignoring our Constitutionally protected Rights.

If educating workers is neglected and if Pass System reading machines are not present, a strain will be placed on police since we will have to constantly call them in order to use the machines in their cars or to have them verify the validity of our documents.  Further, if police refuse to read the cards, and if worker-humans refuse to allow bare-faced purebloods to travel inside or outside an establishment where those who have allowed a pharmaceutical to be injected or those who cover their faces are permitted to go, then many lawsuits of discrimination will follow.  LA County supervisors and other agents of government will also be named for not providing a way of recognition for those not participating in the tyrannical-words-on-paper you have set in motion.  (After all, if it is not voluntary, it is tyranny.)

I have posted this physical letter to all LA County supervisors and to Attorney General Bonta.  An e-mail was sent to Supervisor Mitchell that was copied to Mr. Blinken, the Secretary of State, for my administrative file.

Under Constitutionally protected Rights, I can shop and function freely on this land.  Thank-you.  

3rd letter

Supervisor Holly Mitchell, Second District

500 W. Temple Street

Los Angeles, C A 90012



Dear Supervisor Mitchell,

As a national, I am alien to the citizenship of the Fourteenth Amendment.  If you insist on having certificate of vaccination identification and mask-wearing persisting in our community—despite patient autonomy and self-determination—I request that you have a “Pass System” machine (that can read passport cards) readily available so that US Nationals may be identified and exempted.  These machines need to be at all restaurants, concert venues, gas stations and any place you request the “vaccination passport” (or faces to be covered) in order for liberated humans to enter.  If worker-humans are checking a paper with a “vaccination” status on it, then those people need to be informed that our copy of our affidavit (on file with the Secretary of State) and a copy of the document (which interprets the status mentioned on the passport card) are acceptable as proof of being a national and; therefore, demonstrates the bearer is outside the jurisdiction of the certificate of vaccination identification and mask-wearing requirements.  Without this, you are discriminating against US Nationals and ignoring our Constitutionally protected Rights.

If educating workers is neglected and if Pass System reading machines are not present, a strain will be placed on police since we will have to constantly call them in order to use the machines in their cars or to have them verify the validity of our documents.  Further, if police refuse to read the cards, and if worker-humans refuse to allow bare-faced purebloods to travel inside or outside an establishment where those who have allowed a pharmaceutical to be injected or those who cover their faces are permitted to go, then many lawsuits of discrimination will follow.  LA County supervisors and other agents of government will also be named for not providing a way of recognition for those not participating in the tyrannical-words-on-paper you have set in motion.  (After all, if it is not voluntary, it is tyranny.)

I have posted this physical letter to all LA County supervisors and have sent an e-mail to your office, copying that one to Mr. Blinken, the Secretary of State for my administrative file.

Under Constitutionally protected Rights, I can shop and function freely on this land.  Thank-you.  

Also sent to Supervisor Hilda Solis, First District

Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, Third District

Supervisor Janice Hahn, Fourth District

Supervisor Kathryn Barger, Fifth District


  1. Hi Paget.....just curious if you've seen any cases where a US National was able to exempt themselves from a co mandated shot & still keep their job.

    1. No. You would have to reclaim your securities and get out of the system for that. Being a national is still a great first step. For example, if the acupuncture board says I have to have a shot to renew my lic, well, I am outside the District of Columbia's jurisdiction as a national. That means that I do not need a lic. I certainly am not going to forget simply because I have no piece of paper! If I worked for LAUSD as a sign language interp, I would have to leave if I refused the shot because it's their matter how's their thing.
