Thursday, December 30, 2021

M. Ford, Lawful Assembly & My Thoughts

Michelle Ford and I hold similar perspectives on the de facto compared with the de jure, credit/debt, liberated and slave and such.  Where we differ is


·       I feel US citizens need to send an affidavit to the Secretary of State changing their status to USA national.  This still has you within the system, but it protects you from words on paper such as The Patriot Act. The national status possibly matches your passport to reveal that you are a national when read by the Pass System. Being a national offers a baby step supporting you in getting out of the system as you purchase a vehicle keeping the manufacturer’s statement of origin, correcting your taxes status, leaving licenses behind, etc.

·       Boundaries supported by corporations such as the UNITED STATES and their ports (airports, docking areas, etc) are non-existent to the living man(kind).  To say this in a religious way so that you may “get” it, this land and water, the Earth over, is Heaven under God.  Saying it my way, you are from Nature and being under Natural Law/Universal Law, there are no boundaries.  You may travel as you like.  The de facto ports and “countries” are non-existent.

·       Everything out there is pre-paid.  You may use the Judicial District’s General Post-office with your signature to send post.  Simply “address” the envelopes and packages with the correct language.  (Perhaps this taps into your personal or human’s collective credit.)  The “Refusal for Cause” to close parking and traffic tickets may also tap into our credit.  Therefore, if we can remember, all expenses may be prepaid with the correct language      submitted to the correct place in a timely manner.


·       The true court is with the envelope sent registered as private, living man(kind) through the General Post-office.

·       You do not need any sort of “government” where you ask a “representative” to please do this that and the other.  You may hold them accountable through the post/true court.


·       California, though the country to a US national from California, is still behaving on behalf of the District of Columbia unless a private, living man(kind) accesses consciousness to hold California to being land without boundaries and it is as Heaven.

·       Some judges in the system know how to switch to Common Law just as some USPS employees and machines know how to switch to the General Post-office. (I understand Louisiana “outlawed” Common Law, but it would be interesting to see “pre-paid” success stories out of that area.)

I love that humans are changing their status from citizens of their corporations to whatever they call it.  Just that move alone sends a message to the 1% dElite and AI (artificial intelligence & alien intelligence) that humans are onto their bs.  The only non-citizens associated with the US are the Samoans.  When we are nationals, we do not call ourselves “non-citizens,” even though we no longer identify as citizens.  Semantics, I know, but words are everything.

Do the agents of the government fear an assembly made legally and lawfully?  Hmm.  I do not know.  But I do know they will be concerned if you level-up and can access one pre-paid thing after another, not need licenses, and not register anything such as a vehicle.

If the defacto State Department does not hold your affidavit of status change, within the system, you are still a citizen, which means you are still a slave.  All members seeking to be in this assembly should become US nationals by way of sending this affidavit to the Secretary of State, along with whatever else they are doing within the system, to simply protect themselves until they finally get to the pre-paid out of the Matrix zone.

Please listen to all of M. Ford’s Zoom and then possibly reread what I have written.  You need to get educated and find the right path for yourself now.  This is the moment to level up or to remain a slave with all that servitude implies. 

Now, go.  Anchor the light. Hwa!

Monday, December 27, 2021

SW CEO says Cabin Filtration Enough

 Passengers hv become unruly because they have a right to breath.

The bottom line is that if Southwest Airlines continues to force passengers to wear masks, the Nationals get to identify themselves and the citizens will start questioning why they get to breathe when the citizens don't.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Dr Ferrer Put on Notice


I think I have figured out how to hold court through the post.

  • use registered mail
  •  have the postal worker (a third-party witness) date stamp the letter to send and the copy that you keep
  • write your address as private man even if you send it through USPS and not the General post-office (c/o 22 Grace Street, San Pedro, TN [RFD #####])


I did research on how to "Refusal for Cause" a parking ticket that someone I know received.  I felt certain that person got the ticket for my benefit because I had asked to learn what I did not know about making my letter the court.

I learned (and my friend Ryan had also informed me) that one uses registered mail to make it the court.  I knew not to step into their artificial court.  I also knew my letter and envelope sent through the Judicial District was the court, but what was I missing?

The cover letter, which is to be sent with the ticket, is to be date stamped by the postal worker.  This person serves as a third-party witness.  Yay! So, today I went to get a worker to stamp my letter to Ferrer and the copy for my records.  I sent that letter registered without their stamp, but my signature.  The poor fellow robotically obeyed but in utter confusion.  (After one lady's refusal to assist me due to confusion.)   Btw, Ryan has suggested that I be the executrix to the artificial legal person who has FOIA requested Dr. Ferrer.  The signature stamp on the outside has the AuthenticSelf me signing it.

We'll see how it goes.  Imagine if every living mankind individual out there did this to their health departments.  Bam!


County of Los Angeles Public Health                                                           Registered Mail #

Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Director

313 N. Figueroa Street                                                                                         (PO Date stamp)

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Re: Notice of Claim


To Dr. Barbara Ferrer, LAPH Director:

A FOIA request to see evidence of a natural, contagious virus from humans was sent certified post through the Judicial District and received by your office at 10:23 AM on October 14, 2021.  I have received no response.  The correspondence has been ignored well past FOIA’s twenty business days.  My name is Jones, Jane Ann-executrix for the legal entity Paget Hillebrand.  This notice serves as an opportunity to cure.

This is a claim that you are not providing accurate and truthful information.  In consequence, you are causing harm to myself and my community.  I am claiming you are defrauding the people by providing false statements without any documentation to legitimize your claim. This is a lawful notice requesting you to provide a lawful affidavit of Truth with your autograph.  You will take liability for such claims made to the people about an emergency that has lasted far past any reasonable length of the definition of an emergency, which is sudden and without notice.

If you fail to provide an autographed affidavit of Truth to lawfully rebut this notice of claim, I will have no choice but to secure a judgement of default and place a lien on your bond of office.  Please provide your lawful rebuttal /Affidavit of Truth within 21 calendar days.




Jones, Jane Ann-executrix


 12/18/21 added update:

My little PO with confused workers sent my letter to the big LA distribution center to let them deal with this General post-office registered letter.  It entered the system showing that it left there at 2:18 AM.  (The person with the parking ticket who paid for the registered letter showed it starting at the little PO and informed the customer that it would arrive by Monday. I see nothing like that with mine.)

 Information on the post office compared with the postal service:

Some of the markings discussed in their own manual:

A "How to" in how to not perpetuate the fraud by signing your letters.  Starting yesterday, I sign it as a living mankind not the symbol I formerly used:

Study all of this!

1/4/22 added (A friend sent this)

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Dear Chattel


Colonel Edward Mandell House to President Woodrow Wilson:

“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property
in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate
under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel
people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for
our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being
unable to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the
security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the
scheme of secured transactions [there it is people, securities]. Americans, by
unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered
bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation,
secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a
commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser,
for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or
two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this
is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the
registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us
huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a
contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it,
every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every
American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will
become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ
the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot in America."

You have two choices: Allow them to scare you into submission or reclaim your securities. Yes, your masters and opponents are not all human. So? I offered you techniques of protection. If you choose fear, you have already lost. Come on. Stand up. Stop cowering! I know humans love being victims and you want to say, "It's not my fault," but your opponents are using your inner nature against you.

Their scripts were out there LONG before they convinced you to fear a so-called natural, contagious virus. Heck, even the truth that viruses are not living (alive) is being forgotten by you.

I am Paget Anne of Essendon, considered an outlaw by AI and company.

I will not go on the social credit system.

I will not become the successive human.

I will; however, go and anchor the light. Hwa!

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Supervisor Hahn Introduces Covid Measure & My Letter


I certainly hope I am not the only human being a thorn in these supervisors' sides.

15 December 2021


Supervisor Janice Hahn, Fourth District

LA County Board of Supervisors,

500 West Temple Street, Room 383

Los Angeles, CA  90012


Re: Freedom of Information Act Request


Dear Supervisor Hahn:

The purpose of this letter is to request information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C., section 552.

Since you submitted the following:

Item #10 December 7, 2021.

“COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Los  Angeles County Contractors Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn:COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Los  Angeles County Contractors Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Adopt an urgency ordinance to require vaccinations for County contractor employees prior to interacting in person with County workforce members and members of the public or working on County-owned or controlled property; and require all new or amended County contracts for work described above to include standard contracting language requiring contractors to vaccinate their employees as a condition of doing business with the County, while the urgency ordinance is effective immediately, County contractors will have until January 1, 2022 to comply with the ordinance requirements.  4-VOTES,”

I am requesting that you provide proof that “covid” has been isolated and is not simply a computer -generated simulation. I ask you to please provide me with a copy of the following items:


·        produce evidence that SARS-COV2 (and all its names ie: coronavirus that is natural, contagious and harmful; covid-19 that is natural, contagious and harmful) has been isolated not using PCR—which is not a test and cannot isolate a virus—nor by a computer-generated guess, but definitive proof that a natural virus has been isolated that is a contagion.

·        produce all records describing the isolation of a SARS-COV2 virus, directly from a sample taken from an expired body, where the patient sample was not put with any other source of genetic material, for example hepatocytes, monkey kidney epithelial cells (Cercopithecus aethiops), or the like. To be clear, “isolation” means the act of separating a thing from everything else.  I am not requesting records where “isolation of SARS-COV2” refers to a culturing of a thing, or how something such as the PCR functions related to this or a sequencing of a thing.  To clarify, I am requesting all such records that are in the possession, custody or control of your office or a U. S. federal department whether downloaded to a computer or device, printed in a hard copy, or held in some fashion.

·        produce records that the isolate is contagious and harmful to humans

·     provide evidence on subjects who have received any of the covid vaccines proving that they do not transmit the virus.  Please include all subjects who started the study.  Please do not call only two out of two one hundred percent.  Please state your answer on subjects by their number, ie 100 who received the shot were around 100 non-receivers of the shot.  Twenty of the non-shot receivers became ill and the pathogen was isolated from them.  Also state how many and which company’s shot(s) was or were received by those who had the shot.

·        provide evidence on subjects who have received any of the covid vaccines proving that they cannot “catch” the virus.  Again, an example would be 100 who received this shot were placed in a room with 100 ill patients for X amount of time.  None became ill.  The 100 ill patients had the isolate to prove they were sick with a natural, contagious virus.

·        provide evidence that proves that segregating the population who have not received this pharmaceutical from those who have stops the spread of the natural, contagious virus that has been isolated.

Please limit your search of the above items from October 2019 to December 2021.

If any part or all of the materials or information is withheld under a FOIA exemption, please provide a list of the information withheld and mark any deleted sections.  Please list the specific exemptions that form the basis for any deletion of a document or the complete withholding of a document.

I am exhausting remedies to get to the truth.  This is my first step with you, because I see segregating the population as discrimination when no natural, contagious virus and a pharmaceutical supposedly protecting humans from it cannot be brought into evidence. 

If there is a natural, contagious pathogen as a reason to support covid measures and if requiring contractors to be vaccinated has been proven helpful, then you must have the paperwork nearby.  I am requesting a hard copy.  Thank you. 

 As provided for by section 552(a)6(A)(i) of the Freedom of Information Act, please provide your reply within twenty (20) business days.  Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.





Hillebrand, Paget


11/26/2022 added
A friend used my letter as a template and received a response from the "health" department.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Notice of Claim #1 to Ferrer

[I am documenting my journey at learning how to make my post the court.  To follow was the first draft. I did not send this since I was tweaking it while finding how to "do the court."]

The FOIA request for proof of a natural, contagious virus isolate was ignored by Ferrer.  I wrote to the ombudsman, Semo, for assistance and so far, see nothing.  So, I am left with no choice except to start exhausting remedies of common law court.  (Admittedly, I have zero experience with this.)

I have written a notice of claim to Ferrer where she must respond to my letter either by offering evidence or writing to me that she has no evidence.  If she ignores my letters, my notices that will exhaust remedies, then she and a district court judge will receive my notice of default.  When I warn Ferrer that I will have a judge place a lien on her bond of office, I am basically saying that she will lose her insurance and so will most likely lose her job if she ignores me.

I want all officials who are against humanity to stand down.  This is my mission.

Here is my letter, my Notice of Claim, sent via the Judicial District by a private individual.

Notice of Claim


Hillebrand, Paget

c/o # Street

City, CA [RFD zip]


13 December 2021


County of Los Angeles
Department of Public Health

Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Director

313 N. Figueroa Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Re: Notice of Claim #1


Dear Dr. Ferrer:

Although a FOIA request was sent certified post through the Judicial District and received by your office at 10:23 AM on October 14, 2021, I have received no response.  The correspondence has been ignored well past FOIA’s twenty business days.  If no response to this Notice of Claim is received within fifteen business days of receipt, a move will be made to have a lien placed on your bond of office.

The Public Health Code of Ethics Section 2 (A) “Professionalism and Trust” says, “The effectiveness of public health policies, practices, and actions depends upon public trust gained through decisions based on the highest ethical, scientific, and professional standards. Public health gains public trust in part because its practices are informed by evidence.”  In order for me to offer my trust, please note and share the evidence that there is a natural, contagious virus isolate outside a computer simulation, or a written statement that you have seen no isolate.  LA Care Health Plan Code of Conduct says, “We pride ourselves on being rooted in integrity and accountability.”  With its first principle stating, “Honesty and integrity are based on truthfulness and the absence of deception and fraud.”  I am asking for proof of an authentic pathogen and your silence is making me suspect fraud around the LA SafePass, which may simply be a tool of discrimination.  As a private individual on this land, I have a Constitutionally protected Natural Right to see that evidence or be informed that you have none.

Please provide a written statement that you have seen no evidence of an isolate or provide me with a copy of the following items:

·       that SARS-COV2 (and all its names ie: coronavirus that is natural, contagious and harmful; covid-19 that is natural, contagious and harmful) has been isolated not using PCR—which is not a test and cannot isolate a virus—nor by a computer-generated guess, but definitive proof that a natural virus has been isolated that is a contagion.

·       produce all records describing the isolation of a SARS-COV2 virus, directly from a sample taken from an expired body, where the patient sample was not put with any other source of genetic material, for example hepatocytes, monkey kidney epithelial cells (Cercopithecus aethiops), or the like.

The Code of Conduct for Health Services LA County expects “the Department will provide complete and accurate information based on the facts.”  It is only ethical for this statement to be followed in daily business conducted by the LA County Health Department.  The public and I need to be provided with facts as well as evidence or lack of evidence related to a natural, contagious virus.  The Code of Conduct for Health Services LA County further states, “Workforce members may not knowingly make false or misleading statements.”  To implement covid measures without evidence of a natural, contagious virus isolate harming real, authentic humans, along with not acknowledging my letter by simply saying there is no isolate, is making a “misleading statement.”

Please respond by letter to Hillebrand, Paget, # Street, City, CA zip within fifteen business days of receipt of this registered letter sent via the Judicial District.  Thank you.



 (My normal signature)

Hillebrand, Paget


Note:  I gave my address written the public way to ensure a response, but above, I wrote it as a private individual.

The backs of the pages had my signature label.


12/16/21 added

Take Two added 12/17/21

Notice of Claim


Jones, Jane-executrix

c/o ## Street

City, CA [RFD 9####]



17 December 2021



County of Los Angeles Public Health

Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Director

313 N. Figueroa Street                                                                               Register # here

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Re: Notice of Claim



To Dr. Ferrer:


A FOIA request was sent certified post through the Judicial District and received by your office at 10:23 AM on October 14, 2021.  I have received no response.  The correspondence has been ignored well past FOIA’s twenty business days.  My name is Jones, Jane-executrix for the legal entity Paget Hillebrand.  This notice serves as an opportunity to cure.  If you fail to respond to this notice within twenty business days of receipt, you will be issued a Notice of Default and a subsequent lien will be placed on your bond of office.

The Public Health Code of Ethics Section 2 (A) “Professionalism and Trust” says, “The effectiveness of public health policies, practices, and actions depends upon public trust gained through decisions based on the highest ethical, scientific, and professional standards. Public health gains public trust in part because its practices are informed by evidence.”  LA Care Health Plan Code of Conduct says, “We pride ourselves on being rooted in integrity and accountability.”  With its first principle stating, “Honesty and integrity are based on truthfulness and the absence of deception and fraud.”  

The Code of Conduct for Health Services LA County expects “the Department will provide complete and accurate information based on the facts.”  It is only ethical for this statement to be followed in daily business conducted by the LA County Health Department.  The Code of Conduct for Health Services LA County further states, “Workforce members may not knowingly make false or misleading statements.”  To implement covid measures without evidence of a natural, contagious virus isolate harming real, authentic humans, along with not acknowledging my affidavit—by simply stating that there is no isolate—is making a “misleading statement.”

The public and I need to be provided with the facts on the evidence or lack of evidence that you have related to a natural, contagious virus. If providing evidence, please include a copy of the following items:

·       that SARS-COV2 (and all its names ie: coronavirus that is natural, contagious and harmful; covid-19 that is natural, contagious and harmful) has been isolated not using PCR—which is not a test and cannot isolate a virus—nor by a computer-generated guess, but definitive proof that a natural virus has been isolated that is a contagion.

·       produce all records describing the isolation of a SARS-COV2 virus, directly from a sample taken from an expired body, where the patient sample was not put with any other source of genetic material, for example hepatocytes, monkey kidney epithelial cells (Cercopithecus aethiops), or the like.

I am asking for proof of an authentic pathogen and your silence is making me suspect fraud around the LA SafePass, which may simply be a tool of discrimination.  As a private individual on this land, I have a Natural Right to see that evidence or to be informed that you have none.  In order for me to offer my trust, please note and share the evidence that there is a natural, contagious virus isolate outside a computer simulation, or a written rebuttal with your autograph that you have seen no isolate.  Please post it to Jones, Jane-executrix, ## Street, City, CA 9#### within twenty business days of receipt of this registered affidavit.  Thank you.




Jones, Jane-executrix


 My friend, Ryan said that I am too wordy.  The letter I will send will be posted separately today.

1/13/22 added This is the place that insured her.  The bond I am placing a lien on.)